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But, at the recognition of that evil voice, he rolled over, and half lying on the pavement he leveled his revolver at the fleeting figure of the gang leader. Bang! One shot did the work, and Jimmie the Monk crumpled forward, with a leg which was never again to lead in another Bowery "spiel" or club prize fight.

Everything around was hushed, and there was no sound anywhere except the far-off rumble of the great city, as of the wind in distant trees. She was thinking of a question which Drake had put to her. "I wonder if I should?" she murmured. And through the silence there was the unheard melody of the German song: Du liebes Kind, komm' geh' mit mir! Gar schoene Spiele spiel' ich mit dir.

She felt a stinging in her eyes. Paul saw these signs of emotion and was conscience-stricken. "Oh, I'm a black-hearted monster!" he cried, in burlesque contrition. "I must have dropped off just as you began your spiel. But, Lydia, if you'd taken that West Virginia trip, you'd go to sleep if the Angel Gabriel were blowing his horn!

They were sitting in the hall of Gateway House, about the hour that Carshaw and the detective, tired by their weary hunt through East Orange, sought the inn. "Now look here, Fowle," he said, "don't be a poor dub, and don't kick at my way of speaking. Por Dios! man, I've lived too long in the sage country to scrape my tongue to a smooth spiel like my my friend, the Senator.

"Gosh all hemlock! What the dickens is all this stuff about, Carrie?" She was no Syrian queen. She was Mrs. Dr. Kennicott. She fell with a jolt into a whitewashed hall and sat looking at two scared girls and a young man in wrinkled tights. Kennicott fondly rambled as they left the hall: "What the deuce did that last spiel mean? Couldn't make head or tail of it.

The officer, in my opinion, at the noise of the wire should have given the four-tap signal, which meant, "On your own, get back to your trenches as quickly as possible," but again he must have relied on the spiel that Old Pepper had given us in the dugout, "Personally I believe that that part of the German trench is unoccupied."

"Now, if you gentlemen of the press will kindly step to the front and favor us with your yarns we will all be mightily obliged to you. I have heard nothing from any of you since 'way back in the dining-car. Some observation about the moon, I believe." Mr. Callahan, the dean of the corps, blushed slightly. "It was O'Brien who got off the spiel about the moon. I have outgrown that sort of thing.

Old Larry was raising his head and looking around every few feet, and just when the lecturer had reached the most thrilling part of his 'Ten Nights in a Barroom' spiel he caught Larry's eye and the meeting adjourned, sine die, right there. You couldn't see him for dust as he broke for the nearest 'speakeasy, and the two panhandlers were hanging on to his coat tails.

"Oh, I see," he answered, feeling it no time to enter upon another discussion as to the comparative advantages of their two professions. "What are you goin' ter spiel about to-day?" "About Ruth and Naomi." "Ruth and who?" "Naomi," he repeated. "Naomi," she echoed, tilting her head from side to side, as she listened to the soft cadences of the word. "I never heard that name afore.

"I understand. Really I do." There was a little silence. Dave and the crowd trailed away from Erma and headed for Senor Alcala, the fire-eater at the end of the row. Charley barely heard Dave's spiel; he licked his lips and said: "You wanted to talk to me." "Now," Santa Claus said, "I don't want you to be ashamed of anything. There's nothing personal in this, really there isn't.