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It is called the "Self-Sacrifice of Van Speyk," and depicts the brave admiral of that name blowing up his vessel rather than surrender. Van Speyk was educated in one of the public schools for which Amsterdam is famous.

Anderson says he expecs 't o' ye. 'Eh, man! A long pause followed, and Shargar spoke again. 'Hoo am I to begin, Robert? 'Begin what? 'To be a gentleman. Robert scratched his head, like Brutus, and at length became oracular. 'Speyk the truth, he said. 'I'll do that. But what aboot my father? 'Naebody 'ill cast up yer father to ye. Ye need hae nae fear o' that.

An' there may be w'ys o' comin' nearer till ane anither up yon'er 'at we ken naething aboot doon here. There's that laddie, Gibbie: I canna but think 'at gien he hed the tongue to speyk, or aiven gien he cud mak' ony soon' wi' sense intil't, like singin', say, he wad fin' himsel' nearer till's nor he can i' the noo.

He's jist a Jonah in oor ship, an Achan in oor camp. But I sudna speyk sae to ane that's no a member." "Never ye min'. I'm auld eneuch to hae learned to haud my tongue. But we'll turn till a better subjec'. Jist tell me hoo ye made Alec peril's life for conscience sake. Ye dinna burn fowk here for nae freely haudin' by the shorter Carritchis, do ye?" And hereupon followed the story of the flood.

Ye may speyk to my lady there as ye wad to mysel' an' better, haein' the hert o' a wuman." Lizzy blushed a deep red, and dared but the glimmer of a glance at Clementina, but there was only shame, no annoyance in her face. "Ye winna repent it, Lizzy," concluded Malcolm, and turned away.

Gien ye wad lat a body speyk 'at kens naething,'cep' 'at oot o' the moo' o' babes an' sucklin's an'troth I'm naither babe nor sucklin' this mony a lang, but I'm a muckle eneuch gowk to be ane o' the Lord's innocents, an' hae him perfec' praise oot o' the moo' o' me! She paused a moment, feeling it was time the laird should say something-which immediately he did.

'Hoots! what kin' o' gait 's that to speyk till a body? Whase feet was inside the shune? 'De'il a bit o' me kens, mem. 'Dinna sweir, whatever ye du. 'De'il but I will sweir, mem; an' gin ye anger me, I'll jist sweir awfu'. 'I'm sure I hae nae wuss to anger ye, man! Canna ye help a body to win at the boddom o' a thing ohn angert an' sworn?

An' what 's ten times mair exterord'nar, there's the Duke o' Gordon jist lattin' the gype tak 's wull o' the hoose a' his grace's ain forbears! I wad maist as sune lat a man speyk ill o' my daddy!" "But this is past all rebuilding," said his lordship. "It would be barely possible to preserve the remains as they are." "It wad be ill to du, my lord, ohn set it up again.

"Besides, dinna ye see," she added cunningly, "that that would be to affront the lass as weel? He wadna be the first to fa' intil the snare o' a designin wuman, and wad it be for his ain father to expose him to public contemp? Your pairt sud be to cover up his sin gien it were a multitude, and no ae solitary bit faut!" "Daur ye speyk o' a thing like that as a bit faut?

"But jist ye speir at yer new maister," Grannie went on, "what he thinks aboot it, for I ance h'ard him speyk richt wise words to my gudeson, James Gracie, anent sic things.