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So the Earth opened again, and spewed him forth. Then he cried, "Let the Sea hide me!" And the waves rolled over his head. But the Sea, whereon he had wrought iniquity, and filled the depths thereof with the bones of the innocent, could not endure him and threw him up on the shore as refuse. Then he cried, "Let the Air carry me away!"

Again the guns spewed out their vengeful chorus. At this second burst the German plane seemed to yaw off, then righted itself, leveled off and flew straight at McGee. Red felt a momentary elation that the enemy had at least been made conscious of the attack and was, for the moment, forced to abandon his objective. Two beams of light still held him mercilessly.

Nay, then, give a universal license to every lewd fellow, to rake up the sins of your youth, and let him send to England that England which spewed us out of her mouth, as if we were not the children of her bowels to obtain the proofs.

Then once more there was answering of advertisements, and another couple was spewed forth from the maw of the metropolis "Henery and Bessie Dobbs", as they subscribed themselves. "Henery" proved to be the adult stage of the East Side "gamin"; lean and cynical, full of slang and humor and the odor of cigarettes.

Virgil approached, with his eyes fixed on the lady; and the lady tore away the garments of the woman, and spewed her to be a creature so loathly, that the sleeper awoke with the horror. Virgil said, "I have called thee three times to no purpose. Let us move, and find the place at which we are to go higher."

Round the barricade the riff-raff of Paris, spewed up from the gutters, had swollen up like the dirty water from a sewer after heavy rain. The original combatants were drowned by it. Manousse shouted to Christophe, whose back was turned to him. Christophe did not hear him. Manousse climbed up to him and plucked at his sleeve. Christophe pushed him away and almost knocked him down.

An elderly man, fat and greasy, with a voice like a bassoon, and an imperturbable assurance, was denouncing the spread of infidelity, and the lukewarmness of professing Christians, who refrained from battling with the wickedness at their doors. They were like the Laodiceans, whom the angel of the Apocalypse spewed out of his mouth.

This justice must, however be rendered to him. Malevolence was not, perhaps, innate in him. From his very first steps among men, he had felt himself, later on he had seen himself, spewed out, blasted, rejected. Human words were, for him, always a raillery or a malediction. As he grew up, he had found nothing but hatred around him. He had caught the general malevolence.

"Just because you used to walk there in your in other days," he substituted quickly, "is no reason why you shouldn't now, is it?" "Only memories!" Her voice was very low. "Memories? Bah!" The words were as though he spewed them from his mouth like a bitter taste. "Come on!" and his tones were rough.

Then the river opened, the cliffs fell away, and the torrent spewed itself out into an expanse of whirlpools a lake of gyrating funnels that warred with one another and threatened to twist the keel from under the boat. 'Poleon swung close in to the right bank, where an eddy raced up against the flood; some one flung a rope from the shore and drew the boat in. "Wal!