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Them air wings or pinions, that he might have flew off with, being a pair of crutches, keeps him here to tarry awhile in our service. But, gentlemen, he's not got long to stay. His crutches is growing too heavy for that expandin' sperit. Some day we'll look up and miss him through our tears."

"Oh, blur an' agres," says my father, "isn't this a hard case," says he, "that ould villain, lettin' on to be my friend, and to go asleep this way, an' us both in the very room with a sperit," says he.

"Yes, honey, it's Katie. Yes, my dear chile, ole Katie an' no ghose, nor likewise sperit, dough you might think I is! But oh, Marse Ishmael! is you, you? Is you reely an' truly you, and no, no 'ception ob de debbil?" "Katie!" repeated Ishmael, unable to realize the fact of her presence. "Hi! what I tell you?

'By my sowkins, says Nell, 'it's bad enough we are, your raverence, says she, 'for it's poor Jim's sperit, says she; 'God rest his sowl, wherever it is, says she, 'that was wandherin' up an' down, opossite the door all night, says she, 'in the way it was no use at all, thryin' to get a wink iv sleep, says she. 'It's to lay it, you want me, I suppose, says the priest.

"Black Cloud accompanies himse'f to this contest with a pure white pony which has eyes red as roobies a kind o' albino pony an' he gives it forth that this milk-coloured bronco is his 'big medicine' or familiar sperit. The Lance observes that the little red-eyed hoss is mighty impressive to the savages, be they Creeks or Osages.

"You see, missy" she had come nearer now, and assumed a confidential tone "you see, Sister Sophy-Sophia she 'ain't nuver found rest yit, an' dat frets Pompey. Hit troubles 'im in de sperit an' I promised him to try to pacify her." "Pacify her! Why, Tamar! How can you pacify a person who is dead? And how do you know that her spirit isn't at rest?"

She looked about on the ceiling. Her foot noiselessly patted the floor. "Yes," said Narcisse, "and thass the cause that they dwess them dif'ent. To show the dif'ence, you know." "Ah! no. It's not the mortial frame, sur; it's the sperit. The sperit of man is not the sperit of woman. The sperit of woman is not the sperit of man. Each one needs the other, sur.

Well, your honour, my father was asy enough until the sperit kem past him; so close, God be marciful to us all, that the smell iv the sulphur tuck the breath clane out iv him; an' with that he tuck such a fit iv coughin', that it al-a-most shuck him out iv the chair he was sittin' in.

"I don't say this in any sperit of derision," he remarks to the dealer he's been settin' opp'site to for eight hours, an' who manoovers his fiscal over- throw, as aforesaid, "an' shorely with no intent to mortify a wolf like you-all, who's as remorseless as he's game, but I foresees this racket an' insures for its defeat. You figgers you've downed me. Mebby so.

There will be meetin'-housen left and ministers in 1894, most likely, and we can attend to 'em right along as long as we live. "This great object lesson, full of the sperit of prophecy and accomplishment, won't be here but a few short months.