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This it is impossible to reproduce, and the celebrity of Selwyn as a wit must be allowed to rest on the opinion of his contemporaries. "Je suis bien eloignee," wrote Madame du Deffand, in 1767, who, of those who knew him, has left us the most finished portrait, "de croire M. Selwyn stupide, mais il est souvent dans les espaces imaginaires.

Souvent femme varie! Just now you seemed so anxious, besides, if one belongs to the Cause one knows what to expect." Emile strolled towards the uncomfortable piece of furniture by the window, that purported to be an armchair, and sat down. "I loathe the Cause! I didn't belong to it from choice. Why did you make me join?" "Because I thought you would be useful.

'Understandings' and private engagements are the root of all evil!" "I'm blest if I know what you're driving at!" he flashed out, his temper rising. But she only laughed her tinkling laugh and shook her riding-whip at him. "Souvent femme varie! Have you ever heard that, you blessed innocent? And the general impression is there's already been one private engagement if not more.

In addition to the slow swinging of her axis which produces her 'seasons, she has a quicker nodding, which gives rise to day and night in some favoured spots like Womla." "After all," said I, "tis a feminine trait. Souvent femme varie." "Oh, she is constant to her lord the sun," rejoined Gazen.

Le plaisir de faire du bien a ceux qui souffrent est tel, que l'on voudrait s'en donner, et le critique est souvent tente de manger de ce sucre-la. "Je ne regrette pas de m'etre etabli a Kew; il n'y a qu'une chose contre Kew, c'est que je n'y connais personne, tandis qu'a St. John's Wood j'ai plusieurs amis.

Then, as if divining what was being said, through her quick woman's instinct, she drew us toward a window in the study of Francis I and showed us these lines scratched upon one of the panes: Souvent femme varie; Mal habile qui s'y fie.

They did not follow fashion therethey rather made it; in art and literature as in toilets, smallness follows the fashion, pretension exaggerates it, taste makes a compact with it." A specimen of the énigme-sonnets may be of interest, to show in what intellectual playfulness and trivialities these wits indulged: "Souvent, quoique léger, je lasse qui me porte.

"Je dois parler d'un ordre de montagnes très-certainement postérieur aux couches marines, puisque celles-ci, généralement lui servent de base. On n'a point jusqu'ici observé une suite de ces montagnes tertiaires, effet des catastrophes les plus modernes de notre globe, si marquée et si puissante, que celle qui accompagne la chaine Ouralique ou côté occidentale fur tout la longueur. Cette suite de montagnes, pour la plupart composées de grais, de marnes rougeâtres, entremêlées de couches diversement mixtes, forme une chaîne par-tout séparée par une vallée plus ou moins large de la bande de roche calcaire, dont nous avons parlé. Sillonnée et entrecoupée de fréquens vallons, elles s'élève souvent

Il n'a guère de la superstition de son siècle que la dévotion pour les pélerinages et les reliques; encore annonce-t-il souvent peu de foi sur l'authenticité des reliques qu'on lui montre.

'When I say his health, I mean the health and strength of his love for you. You must vacillate, Edith. Souvent femme varie. You sit on the fence, n'est-ce-pas? Well, offer the fence to him. But, take it away before he sits down. Voila! Edith laughed. 'But then this girl, Miss Clay, she's always there. And I like her. 'What is her nationality? 'How funny you should ask that!