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They passed a farmhouse at good speed, for a dog came out and after a few suspicious sniffs proceeded to satisfy his appetite on Phil's leg. A loud ripping noise told that he at least kept a souvenir of the visit. The dog's excited barking kept them company to the next farmhouse, which they passed as silently as possible, not particularly desiring to repeat the experience.

To think that a mere toddler could bring an end to the story of the Wicked Witch of the East! But the story did not exactly end there. It seems that, before such time as the old woman's liveliness was shmushed by little Dorothy's home, she had left a little souvenir to remember her by. Actually, it was quite a large souvenir!

A historic souvenir greatly prized by Americans in town and valley was the flag pole, which in Sonoma's infancy had been hewn from the distant mountain forest, and brought down on pack animals by mission Indians under General Vallejo's direction.

or, The Story of the Brave Casper and the Fair Annerl. By Brentano, with an illustration, cloth, gilt side and edges, reduced to 1s. 6d. A Souvenir of Friendship, with Contributions by G.P.R. James, Agnes Strickland, &c, and illustrated with ten beautiful steel engravings, executed in the first style of art. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, richly gilt back, sides, and edges, 4s. 6d. Columbus,

They were very tame, and almost allowed Betty to come near enough to touch them. She was delighted when the largest most obligingly dropped a gorgeous feather at her very feet. "For a souvenir!" she exclaimed, as she picked it up. "How dear of him! I like peacocks even if they are proud! I would be, if I lived here!

It was generally rumoured that the merchants had lost heavily over this disaster, and there were some who quoted it as an instance of Girdlestone's habitual strength of mind that he should decorate his wall with so melancholy a souvenir.

Her pretty flower-stand, gay with her favourite flowers, occupied the window in which hung a gilt-wire cage, the melodious prison-house of her pet bird; and lastly, there stood fronting the window, the bureau, consecrated since her school-days, to her intimate correspondence. She showed it to me with an almost tearful gravity. Everything it contained was a relic, or souvenir.

Madame Jenkin, qu'il entourait si galamment, et ses deux jeunes fils donnaient encore plus de relief a sa personne. J'emportai des quelques heures que je passai a cote de lui dans ce charmant paysage un souvenir emu. J'etais alle en Angleterre en 1882 sans pouvoir gagner Edimbourg. J'y retournai en 1883 avec la commission d'assainissement de la ville de Paris, dont je faisais partie.

"I'm going to ask you a favor, Hugh," remarked Thad, presently, as they drew near their intended destination. "Go ahead and ask it, then," he was told. "Let me run this little game, won't you, please that is, I mean, allow me to introduce the subject of souvenir spoons, and then show the old lady the one I've got in my pocket right now?" "That seems only fair," Hugh assured him.

"These," said she, placing them with her own hands, "Her Majesty desired me to put round your neck in testimony of her regard." At the same time Her Highness presented me, on her own part, with a beautiful pocketbook, the covers of which were of gold enamelled, with the word "SOUVENIR" in diamonds on one side, and a large cipher of her own initials on the other.