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Notwithstanding the reasonable cause of apprehension for the morrow, De Soto, like a stout-hearted cavalier, as he was, strove to keep up the spirits of his followers.

After the repast, the two women who belonged to Capaha and had been taken prisoners were brought in and restored to him, at which he seemed well pleased, yet presented them to Soto, who declined accepting them; but Capaha desired him to give them to any one he pleased, as they should not stay with him, and they were accordingly admitted among the followers of the Spanish army.

In a room at the Soto House, 32 Fourth Street, San Francisco, was found the body of W. G. Robbins. He had turned on the gas. Also was found his diary, from which the following extracts are made "March 3. No chance of getting anything here. What will I do? "March 7. Cannot find anything yet. "March 8. Am living on doughnuts at five cents a day. "March 9. My last quarter gone for room rent.

Indeed he was now less feared, ever since Gonzalo Pizarro had almost by force procured a marriage between one of the daughters of that judge and his brother Blas Soto . Still however this judge retained every proper sentiment of loyalty to the king, although constrained by the exigency of the times to conceal his principles, and to seem in some measure reconciled to the usurper.

During the darkness they were continually passing the river at different points in their canoes, and then uniting in one band, with hideous outcries assailing the weary travellers. The military genius of De Soto successfully beat them off through the night.

De Soto's desire for Peace. Capture of Capafi. His Escape. Embarrassments of De Soto. Letter of Isabella. Exploration of the Coast. Discovery of the Bay of Pensacola. Testimony Respecting Cafachiqué. The March Resumed. The Spaniards now entered upon a beautiful and highly cultivated region, waving with fields of corn and adorned with many pleasant villages and scattered farm-houses.

The night you ran the batteries he and some others went across to your side in skiffs in skiffs, seh, I say and set fire to the houses in De Soto, that we might see to shoot. And then he came back in the face of our own batteries and your guns. That man was wounded by a trick of fate, by a cussed bit of shell from your coehorns while eating his dinner in Vicksburg.

Besides, the Spaniards hated Coligny's followers more than ordinary Frenchmen, because they were Huguenots. MENENDEZ. At the time the news reached Spain of Coligny's settlement at Fort Caroline, a Spanish nobleman, Pedro Menendez, was preparing to establish a colony in Florida, and thus after a long delay carry out the task which De Soto had vainly attempted.

It was unprecedented, and yet evidently only a result of the heretical abuses. She had sprung into the saddle she always travelled on horseback in the worst possible mood, but had urged all who were near the Emperor Charles's person, and also the almoner Pedro de Soto, to remember the wounded man and do everything possible to aid his recovery.

He did not scruple to scoff openly at their holinesses." "Ah!" said Eustace; "great is the pravity of the human heart, and the power of Satan! Let us go for the present." "Where is she?" "The elder sorceress, or the younger?" "The younger the " "The Senora de Soto? Ah, poor thing! One could be sorry for her, were she not a heretic."