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"Besides, we never could git through without a shot, an' if by any dern luck it should turn out ter be a cavalry outpost, an' I sorter reckon that's what it is, why, our horses are in no shape fer a hard run. You uns better wait here, sir, an' let me tend ter that soger man quiet like, an' then p'raps we uns kin all slip by without a stirrin' up ther patrol."

"This here's a rum sorter game, Mr Roberts, sir," said old Dick, as soon as he had fastened the boat's painter to a ring in the stem part of the great steamer. "I'm afraid I shan't be strong enough for the job." Dick glanced at the great muscles in his sun-browned arms with a smile of pride, and then stared at the middy, who turned upon him sharply.

De dish-pan wuz settin' on de table, en close by wuz a kyarvin' knife. "'Look like you gwineter have chicken fer dinner, Brer Fox, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Yes, Brer Rabbit, dey er nice, en fresh, en tender, 'sez Brer Fox, sezee. "Den Brer Rabbit sorter pull his mustarsh, en say: 'You ain't got no calamus root, is you, Brer Fox?

The only thing against him, I'd say, is that he looks about half crazy sorter dippy, off his nut, batty. "To make the story short, seeing's it's so late, I up and told him I wasn't there to be monkeyed with. I wanted five thousand dollars out o' him mighty quick or I'd tell all I knowed about the murder of his father. Well, you's orter seen him set up! I thought he was going to die on the spot.

I axed one of the storekeepers standin' in front if Tom Collins was anywhars about, and, as I remember now, he slid his hand over his mouth an' sorter turned his face to one side and yelled back in the store: "'Say, boys, is Tom Collins back thar? An' right then, Mr.

"Why, what's up?" "Well," said Bill, slowly disengaging himself from one of his enormous gloves, "when we waltzed down into the brush up there I saw a man, ez plain ez I see you, rise up from it. I thought our time had come and the band was goin' to play, when he sorter drew back, made a sign, and we just scooted past him." "Well?"

"Not much," returned Richards scornfully; "she ain't my style. But" he hesitated, and then added, "thar was a mighty purty gal thar and her darter, I reckon a reg'lar pink fairy! She kem in only a minute, and they sorter hustled her out ag'in for darn my skin ef she didn't look as much out o' place in that smoky old garlic-smellin' room as an angel at a bull-fight.

"Tar-Baby stay still, en Brer Fox, he lay low. "'You er stuck up, dat's w'at you is, says Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en I'm gwine ter kyore you, dat's w'at I'm a gwine ter do, sezee. "Brer Fox, he sorter chuckle in his stummick, he did, but Tar- Baby ain't sayin' nothin'. "'I'm gwine ter larn you how ter talk ter 'spectubble folks ef hit's de las' ack, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.

He took his pipe out of his mouth and turned to Leander. "Naw, bub. He's jes tradin' fur bresh whiskey, that's all; he's sorter skeery 'bout bein' a wild-catter, an' he didn't want ye ter know it." The point of red light, the glow of his pipe, the only exponent of his presence in the dusky recess where he sat, shifted with a quick, decisive motion as he restored it to his lips.

Moreover, his friends had introduced him to a very respectable and honest sorter, who would take him into partnership, teach him, and allow his daughters to partake in the sorting, if he could put down twenty pounds! His friends would jointly advance him eight on the security of his silver candlesticks, if only he could raise the other twelve.