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Occiso centurione ac militibus, qui ad tradendam disciplinam immixti manipulis exemplum et rectores habebantur, tres liburnicas, adactis per vim gubernatoribus, ascendere: et uno remigante, suspectis duobus eoque interfectis, nondum vulgato rumore ut miraculum praevehebantur: mox hac atque illa rapti, et cum plerisque Britannorum, sua defensantium, proelio congressi, ac saepe victores, aliquando pulsi, eo ad extremum inopiae venere, ut infirmissimos suorum, mox sorte ductos, vescerentur.

Je me sens triste toutes les fois que je pense a son dernier combat et au denoument qu'il a eu. Eh bien! ce Smiley nourrissait des terriers a rats, et des coqs combat, et des chats, et toute sorte de choses, au point qu'il etait toujours en mesure de vous tenir tete, et qu'avec sa rage de paris on n'avait plus de repos.

Verily the spoils of the monasteries and churches must have been fairly evenly divided. These are his words: "The furniture of our houses also exceedeth, and is growne in maner even to passing delicacie; and herein I do not speake of the nobilitie and gentrie onely, but even of the lowest sorte that have anything to take to.

"Abuserois-je de la liberte de conjectures si je disois, que les Plantes et les Animaux qui existent aujourd'hui sont parvenus par une sorte d'evolution naturelle des Etres organises qui peuplaient ce premier Monde, sorti immediatement des MAINS du CREATEUR?... "Ne supposons que trois revolutions.

Two of myne own Followers I have found corrupted, the one in such sorte as he refused to come to Prayers, whom I presently discharged; the other being an honest and sober young Gentleman, and one that denieth not to be present both at Prayers and Preachinge, I continue still, having good hope that I shall in time reduce him."

In time past it was sors pro sorte that is, the principal only for the principal; but now, beside that which is above the principal properly called Usura, we challenge Foenus that is, commodity of soil and fruits of the earth, If not the ground itself.

The song referred to, composed by some unknown scribe begins as follows: "Ninon passe les jours au jeu: Cours l'amour te porte; Le prédicateur qui t'exhorte, S'il était au coin de ton feu, Te parlerait d'un autre sorte." A Remarkable Old Age

Againe, that there is another nacion, much longer lived than we are, whiche in their youth are horeheared: and in their age, their heare waxeth blacke. They affirme also that there is another sorte of women that conceiue at fyue yeres olde, and liue not aboue the age of viii. yeres. There are also that lacke neckes, and haue their eyes in their shoulders.

Vous n'avez jamais vu personne avoir l'air plus penaud et plus decourage; il ne fit aucun effort pour gagner le combat et fut rudement secoue, de sorte que, regardant Smiley comme pour lui dire: Mon coeur est brise, c'est to faute; pourquoi m'avoir livre a un chien qui n'a pas de pattes de derriere, puisque c'est par la que je les bats? il s'en alla en clopinant, et se coucha pour mourir.

Things they give away usually to their maids and what-not. Awfully good of them, isn't it? They pay the carriage too, he added. It was an immense relief to him. 'Things they can't wear, put in Jimbo, 'but very good things suits, blouses, shirts, collars, boots, gloves, and oh, toute sorte de choses comme ca. 'Isn't it nice of 'em, repeated Daddy.