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Nature has sent him abroad in that character, and has advised all creatures of it. Not so with the shrike; here she has concealed the character of a murderer under a form as innocent as that of the robin. Feet, wings, tail, color, head, and general form and size are all those of a songbird, very much like that master songster, the mockingbird, yet this bird is a regular Bluebeard among its kind.

They were five in number, and among them was Minnie Sanderson. "Why, how do you do?" said Minnie, coming up with a smile on her face. "How strange to meet out here!" And then she shook hands with each of the Rovers, and speedily introduced her friends, and the Rovers introduced Songbird.

The fishing lines were wound up, and without delay Songbird presented himself to Asa Carey. He and the others had agreed to say nothing to the mate about what Dora had over heard. "Mr. Carey, I wish to go ashore," he said. "Can I have Hollbrook row me to the beach?" "Go ashore?" growled the mate. "I didn't know anybody else was going." "Well, I've just made up my mind to go.

"Songbird, are you sure of it?" demanded Dick. "Sure? Wasn't I talking to him!" "But but I thought he was lost in that hurricane, when the Josephine was wrecked." "No. It seems he escaped to a vessel bound for England; but his uncle, Sid Merrick, was lost, and so were most of the others. Sobber just got back from England came in on one of the ocean liners, so he told me."

They would be sure to print it." "Dog journals?" snorted the would-be poet. "Do you think I write for such a class of publications as that?" "Well, you might do worse," responded Tom, coolly. "Now, for a first-class journal, they ought to pay you at least a dollar a foot." "Oh, Tom, you are the worst ever!" murmured Songbird, as he turned away.

For reply the youth addressed turned a pair of dreamy eyes on the speaker, and then said slowly: "With hopeful hearts And brightest faces, To school we go To fill our places. We'll study hard, And do our best " "If Songbird Powell Will give us a rest!" finished Tom. "Oh, Songbird, have mercy on us, and don't begin so early." "You're a good one to preach, Tom," came from Larry.

The boys sat down on a bench in the warm sunshine to discuss the proposed visit to the deserted Jamison place, and it was arranged that they should drive to the spot in a two-seated carriage. Then, while the Rovers and Stanley investigated to their hearts' content, Songbird was to drive on to the Sanderson home for a brief visit. "But, mind, you are not to stay too long," said Dick.

"Who is the album to go to?" asked Tom indifferently. "Why er Minnie Sanderson," answered Songbird innocently. "You see, we have gotten to be very good friends lately." The next day the Rover boys went down to Ashton to see what they could find in the stores.

"You see, in Songbird's eyes, Minnie Sanderson is just the nicest girl " "Now stop it, Tom, can't you!" pleaded poor Songbird, growing decidedly red in the face. "Miss Sanderson is only a friend of mine, and you know it."

To-morrow, if Songbird comes, it will be different." This suited the oldest Rover, and he brought over such things as he needed for the night. The boys were tired out, having put in a busy day, and by ten o'clock Sam and Tom were both yawning. "I think I'll go to bed," said Sam. "If anything happens wake me up." "Oh, you'll wake up fast enough if they come," answered Tom.