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He looked at his brothers, and saw that they, too, were out of sorts. The passing of the carryall put a damper on matters, and the girls felt it. They talked with the Rovers and Songbird a few minutes longer and then turned in one direction while the Brill students turned in another. "Fine lot of girls," was Songbird's comment. "Very nice, indeed.

They held a meeting in Dick's room and asked Songbird's advice. "Send them the nicest things you can buy," said the would-be poet. "I am going to send a young lady a gift a beautiful autograph album, with a new poem of mine, sixteen verses in length. It's on 'The Clasp of a Friendly Hand. I got the inspiration once when I er But never mind that. It's a dandy poem."

One thing is sure, something very much out of the way has happened, or Dick wouldn't have sent that telegram." "Perhaps Pelter, Japson & Company haven't been as honest as they promised to be. Maybe they are holding back some of the securities that belong to dad." "That may be so, too. At the same time, you must remember that Songbird's uncle is our attorney, and I don't think Mr.

"I can easily reach the bank by two o'clock; they never shut the side doors till three," murmured Clayton, as his eyes rested upon the Russia-leather portmanteau. He instinctively gripped his revolver. It was all right. And then, with a sinking heart, he essayed to gain some connected story of the Magyar songbird's grave peril.

"We've got something to look forward to specially if that Sid Merrick starts a rival hunt." "We want to get ahead of Merrick," answered Dick. "We want to locate Treasure Isle and get the gold and jewels before he knows what we are up to." "What's the name of the steam yacht." "The Rainbow." "That's a good name, for a rainbow is a sign of good promise," was Songbird's comment.

It is a charming little thing, with a voice sweet as a songbird's, leaping some thirty-five or forty feet into a round, mirror pool. The cliff back of it and on both sides is completely covered with thick, furry mosses, and the white fall shines against the green like a silver instrument in a velvet case.

And a little later he was in communication with Songbird's uncle over the telephone. "It wouldn't do any harm to put some first-class man on the case," said the lawyer. "If you wish me to do so, I'll put you in touch with the best detective agency in the city."

He asked me about our other investments; and he said if we got into any financial difficulties through this loss, he would aid us all he could." "Bully for Songbird's uncle!" cried Sam. "He's as generous as Songbird himself." "What's bothering me is this," continued the oldest Rover boy.

A few minutes later, Tom saw him sit down on a bench to compose verses as industriously as ever. "I think I must be going," said William Philander, who had listened to Songbird's effort without making any comment. "Wait a minute, my dear Billy, I want " "Now, Tom, please don't call me Billy," pleaded the dudish student. "Oh, all right, Philly. I was just going to say "

Laning a workbox. I know she'd like one." In the meantime Dick was looking at some fancy belt buckles and hatpins. He knew Dora liked such things. "I'll just take Songbird's advice and get the best I can and send them," he told himself.