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Besides, they proved very useful in damping young men. And yet you wouldn't know their names if I were to write them as I would rather like to do. The learned Dr. Sibley, he wrote a pleasant little essay on "Taste," you know, with a few additional notes on chiaroscuro; and then there was the learned Dr. Ambrose, who wrote quite a pretty little treatise on Song-writing. No!

She made remarks! 'Thy sufferings are severe but such is woman! said Franko. 'Gad, it's a good idea, though. He took out a note-book and pencilled down a point or two. Raikes watched the process sardonically. 'My tragedy is, then, thy farce! he exclaimed. 'Well, be it so! I believe I shall come to song-writing again myself shortly-beneath the shield of Catnach I'll a nation's ballads frame.

H. Do so; but mind now this song-writing do not lead you to idleness. We must see to turn your edication to good account. CHRISTY alone. So this Scotchman could not list Owen. Couldn't nor wouldn't, that's what he says; and the Scotchman looked very hard at me as he spoke: moreover, I seen Mr.

The closing verses are, I think, unhappy. The poet has not known when to stop, keeps writing after he has finished, and so becomes stilted and artificial. It is in his songs, however, more than in his poems, that we find Burns most regularly at his best. And excellence in song-writing is a rare gift.

In the mean time, we must not let the love-making and the song-writing interfere with the more serious matters which these papers are expected to contain. Number Seven's compendious and comprehensive symbolism proved suggestive, as his whimsical notions often do.

"This one," said he, "is a poor composer who would like to rise from song-writing to opera, and cannot. He blames the managers, music-sellers, everybody, in fact, but himself, and he has no worse enemy. You can see what a florid complexion, what self-conceit, how little firmness in his features! he is made to write ballads.

Not, as a whole, equal to his piano music, they are admirable and deeply individual; and the best of them are not surpassed in any body of modern song-writing.

I shall not go deeply into my college career, recalling only such incidents as, seen in the retrospect, appear to have had significance. I have mentioned my knack for song-writing; but it was not, I think, until my junior year there was startlingly renewed in me my youthful desire to write, to create something worth while, that had so long been dormant.

"In your essay on song-writing," the composer replies, "it has somewhat distressed me that you should have placed me in the second rank. I do not ask to stand in the first, but I think I have some pretensions to a place of my own." Posterity has been proud to place him with the foremost. In other matters besides those relating to art, the marriage was perfectly happy.

I shall not go deeply into my college career, recalling only such incidents as, seen in the retrospect, appear to have had significance. I have mentioned my knack for song-writing; but it was not, I think, until my junior year there was startlingly renewed in me my youthful desire to write, to create something worth while, that had so long been dormant.