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But there was a bloom of punctuality, so to speak, about these eggs of Bourg, as if it had been the intention of the very hens themselves that they should be promptly served. "Nous sommes en Bresse, et le beurre n'est pas mauvais," the landlady said with a sort of dry coquetry, as she placed this article before me.

"The Queen, at the word Paris, became frantic. She flung herself wildly into the arms of her friends. "'Nous sommes perdus! nous sommes perdus! cried she, in a passion of tears. But her dread was not for herself. She felt only for the danger to which the King was now going to expose himself; and she flew to him, and hung on his neck.

But when shrill whistling was suddenly heard in the second act, Royer the manager turned to me with an air of complete resignation and said, 'Ce sont les Jockeys; nous sommes perdus. Apparently at the bidding of the Emperor, extensive negotiations had been entered into with these members of the Jockey Club as to the fate of my opera.

PETER: "Not a bit! You are a regular woman. I thought differently of you somehow!" MARGOT: "You thought I was a dog-fancier or a rough-rider, did you, with a good thick skin?" PETER: "I fail to understand you! Are you alluding to the manners of my horses?" MARGOT: "No, to your friends." PETER: "Ah! Ah! Nous y sommes! ... How can you be so childish! What did Mrs. Bo say to you?"

Un peu de chaque chose et rien de l'ensemble, a la Francaise: telle etait la devise de Montaigne et telle est aussi la devise de la critique francaise. Nous ne sommes pas synthetiques, comme diraient les Allemands; le mot meme n'est pas francaise. L'imagination de detail nous suffit. Montaigne, La Fontaine Madame de Sevigne, sont volontiers nos livres de chevet."

At last, taking up the pen, he signed the Secret Treaty. Then suddenly he seemed to recover his spirits, as, turning to M. de Talleyrand, he said, "Maintenant nous sommes complices, n'est ce pas vrai?"

"Nous sommes bien tombés." This is a good sign, but will it outlive a single gleam of success? Shall we not in that case have the Gallic cock crowing as lustily as ever? The French have many amiable and engaging qualities, and if adversity would only teach them wisdom, the country is rich enough to rise from the ruin which has overtaken it.

Dey vork in forest, he added, with a wave of his hand plunging into English. 'Nous sommes tous les gens de chantier vat you call hommes de lumbare: mais pour moi, je suis chef de cuisine pour le présent: and a conversation ensued with Argent, in which Arthur made out little more than an occasional word of the Canadian's with ease when it was so Anglican as 'le foreman.

Depuis onze mois que nous sommes partis en guerre, A tous les militaires, On a décidé de plaire. Aussi depuis ce temps l

Some went on dejectedly; others burst into wine-shops, demanded drink with threats, and presently emerged swearing, cursing and shouting, "Nous sommes trahis!" Riderless horses went by, instinctively following the men, and here and there one saw a bewildered and indignant officer, whose orders were scouted with jeers. The whole scene was of evil augury for the defence of Paris.