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These last have the cellular tissue very much extended, and they contain more water, more albumen and less of that acrid, volatile principle, which is but little soluble in water, and in which the stimulant property of tobacco seems to reside. At Cumanacoa the tobacco, after being gathered, undergoes a preparation which the Spaniards call cura seca.

I am about to water the orchard and am thinking of putting some nitrate in the water. You can distribute any soluble fertilizer by dissolving it in irrigation water, but few have ever done it because of the difficulties of getting equal strength in running water. It is much easier to distribute on land before irrigation. Irrigating Alfalfa on Heavy Soils.

As soon as that operation has taken place, the food is passed down to the stomach, and there it is mixed with the chemical fluid called the gastric juice, a substance which has the peculiar property of making soluble and dissolving out the nutritious matter in the grass, and leaving behind those parts which are not nutritious; so that you have, first, the mill, then a sort of chemical digester; and then the food, thus partially dissolved, is carried back by the muscular contractions of the intestines into the hinder parts of the body, while the soluble portions are taken up into the blood.

It was of a brownish black color, fusible in heat and readily soluble, with a yellow brown color in water. The dark brown substance readily dissolved in ammonia, alcohol, dilute acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, and decomposed in nitric acid, but did not dissolve in benzine or fat oil.

"There have been a dozen or more such substances. The best is one which I use, made of pyroxylin, the soluble cotton of commerce, dissolved in amyl acetate and acetone with some other substances that make it perfectly sterile. Why do you ask?" "Because some one has used a little bit of it to cover a few slight cuts on the back of the neck of Mrs. Edwards."

The dose is from 1/500 to 1/100 grain, three or four times a day, or every three hours, as desired. The best form in which to use it is in a very soluble tablet, and the tablet should not be dissolved unless intense immediate action is desired.

The nitrogen, and all the soluble inorganic elements are carried to the earth in the urine.

When a forest is cleared there is a spongy humus on the ground surface that is extremely rich, but this washes away in a single season. The soil beneath is good, but thin on the hillsides, and its soluble, fertile ingredients soon leach out and vanish. As one of my neighbors put it: "Thar, I've cl'ared me a patch and grubbed hit out now I can raise me two or three severe craps!" "Then what?"

Substances known as drugs, which may be used as medicines in disease, should be avoided in health. Before foods can be passed into the body proper, they must be converted into the liquid form, or dissolved. In this process, known as digestion, water is the solvent; and certain chemical agents, called enzymes, convert the insoluble nutrients into substances that are soluble in water.

=Caustic Potash= occurs in cylindrical sticks, is soapy to the touch, has an acrid taste, is deliquescent, fusible by heat, soluble in water. =Liquor Potassæ= is a strong solution of caustic potash, and has a similar reaction. =Carbonate of Potassium=, also known as potash, pearlash, salt of tartar, is a white crystalline powder, alkaline and caustic in taste, and very deliquescent.