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You's got to hab de right ting inside o' you. He had a great deal of broad sense in his speech; but presently some others began praying vociferously close by, as if to drown this free-thinker, when at last he exclaimed, "I mean to fight de war through, an' die a good sojer wid de last kick, dat's my prayer!" and suddenly jumped off the barrel.

The sash went down, a light appeared behind it, and soon the Commandant, in trousers and slippers, was at the door. He read the note with a frown. "Where did you get this?" "A sojer come to my house out on the edge o' town, suh, and said he'd kill me to-morrow if I didn't hand dis note to you pussonally." The Commandant turned to Chad. Somehow his manner seemed suddenly changed.

'Gettin' hame? said Macgregor with an effort at politeness, while fuming inwardly. 'Jist that. Awfu' warm weather, is't no? It was fair meltin' in the warehoose the day. I'm fair dished up. She heaved a sigh, which was no more unpleasing than her giggle. 'It's killin' weather for you sojer lads, she added kindly. Macgregor experienced a wavelet of sympathy.

Now when Amy seed de sojers had cum'd through she was mighty glad, and she said in a kine of childish way, 'I'se so glad, I'm gwine to marry a Linkum soger, and set up house-keeping for myself. I don't spect she wer in arnest 'bout marrying de sojer, but she did want her freedom. Well, no body couldn't blame her for dat, for freedom's a mighty good thing."

"Long Hair save 'um little; father shoot one, two, tree, ten Injun. Long Hair been up to Fort. Sojer no bleeve Long Hair; say he spy. Long Hair come for Tom to get sojer. Injun see Long Hair; be here pretty soon one, two, tree, ten, twenty, fifty! Kill Long Hair, kill Tom, take scalp. Tom go with Long Hair. He save him. Horse know way home."

But th' thrainin' iv a sojer makes wan cautious. I determined to fortify mesilf with ividince. I put spies on this man, this perfiejous wretch, an' discovered nawthin'. I was paralyzed. An officer iv th' Fr-rinch ar-rmy, an' nawthin' suspicyous about him! Damnable! I was with difficulty resthrained fr'm killin' him. Th' whole wurruld is lookin' at me, at me, Bill Merceer.

And now that I look at you," he said, "I see that you're not so much a girl as an armful of roses." "Are you by any chance Irish?" said the girl, with a laugh. "Faith and of ahm that," said Aladdin, lapsing into full brogue; "oi'm a hireling sojer, mahm, and no inimy av yours, mahm." "What will you do for me if I help you?" said the girl. "Anything," said Aladdin.

"No, sir, I won't," said the old sailor humbly; "but on second thoughts, which is allers the best, Mr Roberts, sir, I thought as the skipper wouldn't have a uniform as would fit him, so I said as I'd take him on to the island, where they'd soon make a sojer of him." "Now look here, Dick," said Bob, "I take no end of impudence from you, but let there be some end to it.

"Look here!" he said. "Here's a game! Only look, sojer!" "What is it!" cried Tom, drawing out the empty cartridge case and putting in a new one. "Why, you don't mean to say " "But I just do mean to say it!" cried Bob, stamping about and laughing as he opened the breech of his gun, and drew out two empty cases, to replace with full. "Not loaded!"

"Well, Old," he remarked, "I see you obeyed orders like a good sojer." The boy grinned. "Yes, dad," said he. And then I saw what I had not noticed before: that at the belt of each of the tall, silent young backwoodsmen hung one or more wet, heavy, red and black soggy strips. The scalping had been no mere figure of speech! Thank heaven! none of our own people were similarly decorated!