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Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base, as shown in the table above, while the hydroxides of sodium and potassium exhibit strongly basic properties. To understand the principle underlying these changes it is necessary to consider first the conditions which prevail when a solution of acetic acid, which has been stirred until it is of uniform concentration throughout, has come to a constant temperature.

There are springs bubbling and steeping and stagnating by the wayside; springs containing carbonates of soda, lithia, lime, magnesia, and iron; sulphates of potassa and soda, chloride of sodium and silica, in various solutions. Some of these are sweeter than honey in the honeycomb; some of them smell to heaven what more can the pampered palate of man desire?

The light of the nucleus would give us a continuous spectrum, like that of the Drummond light; but having to pass through the photosphere, as Kirchhoff's beam passed through the sodium flame, those rays of the nucleus which the photosphere emit are absorbed, and shaded lines, corresponding to the rays absorbed, occur in the spectrum.

Heart tonics and stimulants such as digitalis, strychnine and alcohol should be administered when the pulse beats weaken. To promote absorption of the exudate, iodide of sodium may be given. Mustard paste, or a cantharides blister applied over the region of the heart is useful in easing the pain and overcoming the inflammation.

But there are metals, like potassium and sodium, which, to be kept pure, must be kept under naphtha. Such are the talents determined on some specialty, which a culminating civilization fosters in the heart of great cities and in royal chambers. Nature protects her own work. To the culture of the world, an Archimedes, a Newton is indispensable; so she guards them by a certain aridity.

His experiments were repeated by Morgan, Wollaston, and with far superior precision and diligence by Fraunhofer. The great Munich optician, whose work was completely original, rediscovered Melvill's deep yellow ray and measured its place in the colour-scale. It has since become well known as the "sodium line," and has played a very important part in the history of spectrum analysis.

The gastro-intestinal mucous membrane is bright red in colour, owing to the presence of cyanmethæmoglobin. Hands clenched, nails blue, jaws fixed, froth about mouth. Eyes prominent and glistening, odour of acid from body, venous system gorged. Treatment. Empty the stomach by the tube at once, and wash it out with a solution of sodium thiosulphate. Strong ammonia to the nostrils.

As some flour-gold is here found, the cradle-bottom should be cut with cross-grooves to hold mercury; and the latter must be tempered with sodium or other amalgam. The cradle begat Long Tom and Broad Tom, the 'tom' proper being the upper box with a grating to keep out the pebbles.

When the reduction is complete, the blue liquid is driven up in the long tube by introducing carbonic acid through the short tube, so that it filters through the asbestos into the solution of sodium acetate into which the reopened end of the long tube dips. When washing out the red precipitate, at first a little acetic acid is added to dissolve any basic zinc carbonate which has been deposited.

It has virtually been abandoned.... But experiments in transfusion have not been fruitless; they have culminated in demonstrating the inestimable value of infusions of 'normal, or 'physiological, solutions of sodium chloride, and not only of infusions, but also of peritoneal irrigation with such solutions.