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You are very sweet-tempered, I know, John Ridd, and perhaps a little too sweet at times' here she meant the Snowe girls, and I hanged my head 'but what would you say if the people there' she never would call them 'Doones' 'had gotten your poor Uncle Reuben, horse, and Sunday coat, and all? 'Why, mother, I should be sorry for them.

Well I knew that to him it could make little difference, were I to come forward and announce, "This is Lucy Snowe!" So I kept back in my teacher's place; and as he never asked my name, so I never gave it. He heard me called "Miss," and "Miss Lucy;" he never heard the surname, "Snowe."

The doll, duly night- capped and night-gowned, lay in its cradle; she was rocking it to sleep, with an air of the most perfect faith in its possession of sentient and somnolent faculties; her eyes, at the same time, being engaged with a picture-book, which lay open on her lap. "Miss Snowe," said she in a whisper, "this is a wonderful book.

We were now returning from our walk, when, passing a small but pleasant and neat abode in a clean faubourg, he took a key from his pocket, opened, and entered. "Voici!" he cried, and put a prospectus in my hand. "Externat de demoiselles. Numéro 7, Faubourg Clotilde. Directrice, Mademoiselle Lucy Snowe." "Now," said he, "you shall live here and have a school.

But now I do with all my heart. Will you never know what I am, love? 'No, Lorna, that I never shall. I can understand my mother well, and one at least of my sisters, and both the Snowe girls very easily, but you I never understand; only love you all the more for it. 'Then never try to understand me, if the result is that, dear John. And yet I am the very simplest of all foolish simple creatures.

Our mother reproved Eliza for this, although it was the heel of her own foot; and then to satisfy our uncle, she promised to call Farmer Nicholas Snowe, to be of our council that evening, "And if the young maidens would kindly come, without taking thought to smoothe themselves, why it would be all the merrier, and who knew but what Uncle Huckaback might bless the day of his robbery, etc., etc. and thorough good honest girls they were, fit helpmates either for shop or farm."

I have not danced for a score of years; and I will not dance now, while the mistress and the owner of the harvest sits aside neglected. 'Nay, Master Huckaback, cried Sally Snowe, with a saucy toss of her hair; 'Mistress Ridd is too kind a great deal, in handing you over to me. You take her; and I will fetch Annie to be my partner this evening.

Once or twice, I began this I say upon my honour to endeavour to explain exactly, how we were at Plover's Barrows; how we all had been bound to fight, and had defeated the enemy, keeping their queen amongst us. But Ruth would make some great mistake between Lorna and Gwenny Carfax, and gave me no chance to set her aright, and cared about nothing much, except some news of Sally Snowe.

What a simpleton you must have been not to tell me long ago. I would have made Lorna wild about you, long before this time, Johnny. But now you go into the parlour, dear, while I do your collop. Faith Snowe is not come, but Polly and Sally. Sally has made up her mind to conquer you this very blessed evening, John. Only look what a thing of a scarf she has on; I should be quite ashamed to wear it.

"Zettle the pralimbinaries," spoke Farmer Snowe, on appeal from us, "virst zettle the pralimbinaries; and then us knows what be drivin' at." "Preliminaries be damned, sir," cried Uncle Ben, losing his temper. "What preliminaries were there when I was robbed; I should like to know? Robbed in this parish as I can prove, to the eternal disgrace of Oare and the scandal of all England.