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Brown was at one side of the wheel, steering; I was at the other, standing by to 'pull down' or 'shove up. He cast a furtive glance at me every now and then. I had long ago learned what that meant; viz., he was trying to invent a trap for me. I wondered what shape it was going to take. By and by he stepped back from the wheel and said in his usual snarly way 'Here!

And I can't get any more out of him; he is as snarly when I ask any questions as though he was mad about it all. If it hadn't been for this great white thing I might have thought this morning that it all belonged to the dream. But Dirk brought this home from somewhere, and put it in the pitcher, and give it to me his own self; that's sure." The story closed in triumph.

"What makes everybody so snarly this morning?" asked Joyce, looking around on the circle of moody faces. The four girls had been lounging in hammocks and chairs under the trees for several hours, and in all that time scarcely a civil word had been spoken. "There isn't any reason why we should be cross," Joyce went on.

I have seen no person smile or laugh in all the ten days we have been here, except a Cossack when he run a saber through a little girl, and his laugh was like the coyote on the prairie when he captures a little lamb. The people look either heart-broken or snarly, like the people confined in an insane asylum at home.

"I declare, I never saw him before," said Purt, making frantic efforts to frighten the dog away. He was a snarly haired dog, with one ear cocked up and the other half chewed off, his coat muddied, only half a tail, which he wiggled ecstatically, and the most foolish looking face that was ever given to a dog. "Did you ever see such a looking thing?" gasped Bobby, half choked with laughter.

The punt was worked along its course with considerable ease. The boys had to take their turns at the sweeps; but Tom found time to slip back to Ruth before they were half-way across to the island. "Too bad the old fellow doesn't fall overboard," he growled in Ruth's ear. "Isn't he a snarly old customer?" "But I suppose the constable has the warrant," Ruth returned, smiling. "So Mr.

"But I'd forgiven you, an' an' it wasn't all yoh fault!" Then, looking up at him with hardly a trace of embarrassment, she added: "The blind girl showed me! You'd ought to know her, Brent!" "Who is that blind girl?" "Who? Oh, Brent, don't you know a-tall? Listen!" She turned him about and pointed to the horizon beyond Snarly Knob.

This feudal sign had probably acted upon the morals of the pack, for it was impossible to find, within twenty leagues, a collection of more snarly terriers, dissolute hounds, ugly bloodhounds, or more quarrelsome greyhounds. They were perfect hunters, but it seemed as if, on account of their being dogs of quality, all vices were permitted them.

They go up along the watersheds where the floods cannot mire, where the snow is lightest, and there are the best lookouts." "And, also, there is the easiest going," said a new voice with a snarly running whine in it.

And now that I have asked that audacious question, let me ask another: Why is it that as soon as the frost of age touches a man he commences to tone down his dress, and as soon as it touches a woman she commences to tone hers up with all the hot house appliances to imitate the spring time of life. I don't ask this in a snarly spirit; but as a psychological riddle.