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Pretty soon, Uncle Peter, every man, woman and child in the world began to know me and I couldn't walk out in the public streets without being snap-shotted or bowed to, or barked at, according to the age of those present. Of course, we all know, Uncle Peter, that my theory has wormholes all over it, but didn't I make good?

But this hypothesis of unconscious cerebration seemed scarcely as satisfactory as the other-namely, that, having at a former time heard Terrible Tommy mention the name of Andrew Glover, my educated instinct of Nomenology, rising to the very acme of efficiency, had accurately, though unconsciously, snap-shotted a corresponding apparition on the retina of my mind's eye.

It made him shrink in involuntary protest. "Say!" suddenly exclaimed his companion, looking at him sharply. "Aren't you Bernard Merefleet of New York City?" Merefleet frowned unconsciously at the notoriety that was his. "I was in New York until recently," he said with some curtness. "Exactly what I said," she returned triumphantly. "A friend of mine snap-shotted you walking up Fifth Avenue.

Ditmar was one of those men who, as the expression goes, "take" well, a valuable asset in semi-public careers; and as he stood in the sunlight on the steps of the building where they had "snap-shotted" him he appeared even more massive, forceful, and preponderant than she had known him.

"Well, down to Farnum's boatyard they're putting up a craft that's known as 'Pollard's Folly." "And why wouldn't they want that photographed?" demanded young Benson. "Because it's one of them sure-death boats they hope to sell the Government, and the United States Government don't care 'bout havin' its war craft secrets snap-shotted," replied Jabez Holt.

He stooped down and fished up a kodak. "A little more in the light, if you please, Mr. Courage. Thank you! That will do! Now side-face." I was snap-shotted twice before I knew where I was. Then Mr. Magg drew a sheet of paper towards him, and began to make notes. "You are staying?" he asked. "Waldorf-Astoria," I answered.

Hundreds of lovers of rare birds have delighted in seeing their snap-shotted portraits in Country Life, and now you've reduced the hen bird to a lump of broken feathers." Rupert spoke quietly and evenly, but for a moment or two a gleam of positive hatred shone in his eyes. "I say, I'm so sorry," said the Sheep, with his apologetic smile.

He met the whole vision with something of the grimace produced on persons without goggles by the passage from a shelter to a blinding light; and if he had by a perfectly possible chance been "snap-shotted" on the spot, would have struck you as showing for his first tribute to the temple of Mrs. Worthingham's charming presence a scowl almost of anguish.

"Who is that?" "Oh, that is the Tilchester child, Muriel Harley," he said, carelessly. "We snap-shotted her paddling in the burn in Scotland a year or two ago. Come, it is dressing-time. I must send you up-stairs." And then, as we left the room, "You look so comfortable in that tea-gown! Don't bother to change," he said.

It was difficult to reconcile the detective's present stand-off manner with his earlier camaradie, to say nothing of the seemingly friendly hint conveyed by the signal to pass no comment on Ingerman's interruption. Rather sick at heart, Grant went out into the sunshine. He was snap-shotted a dozen times by press photographers.