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But for my promise to her father, I might have my rank and my mistress too." I suppose a man's vanity is stronger than any other passion in him; for I blush, even now, as I recall the humiliation of those distant days, the memory of which still smarts, though the fever of balked desire has passed away more than a score of years ago.

Myrrh, the strength of which preserves, and prevents decay, and yet which smarts, and tangs, and stings ever and ever a worthy symbol of Mortal Life, surely. Wise Men, indeed, ye Magi! Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh a prophecy, symbol, and revelation of the Life of the Son of Man, with His indwelling Pure Spirit. And the Magi, having performed their rites and ceremonies, departed from Bethlehem.

Gracious alive, but he knows his business!" "Anyhow, what we saw was worth all we had to pay. I didn't think he would do anything of the kind, did you?" "No; I thought we might keep our visit a secret, but not many things escape his eye. I suppose after all he was right." "Wait till these smarts let up a little before you ask me to say that," replied Victor, still rubbing and fidgeting about.

The skin's broke and it smarts." She began to cry in a slow, patient way. "It's queer I don't get used to it," she said presently, for Nate had not tried to answer, but was puffing like a locomotive over wet rails at his stub of a pipe. "I ought to by this time, but I don't. I s'pose it's because when pa's good he's real good, and so kind it makes it hurt all the more when he's off. Oh dear!"

"It's all right," he called with cheery indifference to the contrary sentiments of two dozen people. "There's no danger. It won't hurt you." "But it does. It bites!" cried the girl from Jersey. "What is it? Where did it come from?" "Yes, it does bite! It smarts awfully! By Jove! The stuff's eating me! What is it, Hawkins? Oh, Mr. Hawkins, wherever did it come from?

Miss Havisham's intentions towards me, all a mere dream; Estella not designed for me; I only suffered in Satis House as a convenience, a sting for the greedy relations, a model with a mechanical heart to practise on when no other practice was at hand; those were the first smarts I had.

Fanny found Norman who had been sent into the drawing-room to put the battledores and shuttlecock away. "How is your finger?" she asked, in a pitying tone. "Oh, it smarts very much," he answered, "though I do not think you care much about it."

To be sure Peter was still lonesome, but it was a different kind of lonesomeness. He hadn't anybody to talk to, which is always a dreadful thing to Peter, but he had only to look up to catch a friendly wink, and somehow that not only made him feel better inside but it seemed to make his aches and smarts better too.

The woman through whom this dread finale was brought upon him, and who now repines, unable to shake off the smarts old associations crowd upon her heart, has a second and third time crept noiselessly to his cell, and sought in vain his forgiveness. Yea, she has opened the door gently, but drew back in terror before his dark frown, his sardonic scorn, his frenzied rush at her.

Then he washed and dressed with neat's-foot oil all of his wounds that he could reach, and tied a band of linen over them, and, in spite of increasing smarts and pangs, dressed himself carefully in his Sunday clothes. From time to time he listened for his father's step, inasmuch as there was no bolt to his door, and to burn a light so late was against all law.