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Every practitioner in medicine who has extensively inoculated with the smallpox, or has attended many of those who have had the distemper in the natural way, must acknowledge that he has frequently seen scrophulous affections, in some form or another, sometimes rather quickly shewing themselves after the recovery of the patients.

He made a fortune for himself and he had no small part in making Canada. He died of smallpox in Montreal in 1885. His Reminiscences is an authority of prime importance for the history of his times. That consistent, life-long Tory, Sir Allan MacNab, became the head of the new ministry. The attorney-general for Upper Canada was John A. Macdonald.

From the beginning there has been something about this terrible disease which physically and morally has exercised so great an influence over my destiny, that seemed to paralyse my mental powers. In my day I was a doctor fearless of any other contagion; typhus, scarletina, diphtheria, yellow fever, none of them had terrors for me. And yet I was afraid to attend a case of smallpox.

Good shoulders enough, a little marked, traces of smallpox, perhaps, but white. . . . . Crac! from the sergent-de- ville's broad palm on the white shoulder! Now look! Vogue la galere!

Many of these had died of smallpox, and the savages took the infection home to their villages, where great numbers perished of the disease. As soon as their Indian allies had left, the French soldiers were set to work demolishing the English fort, and the operation was completed by the destruction, by fire, of the remains. The army then returned to Crown Point.

"No, that picture of you that I did last winter. She is crazy she says she is going upstairs and sit in Takahiro's room and take smallpox and die." "Fiddlesticks!" I said rudely, and somebody hammered on the door and opened it. "Pardon me for disturbing you," Bella said, in her best dear-me-I'm-glad-I-knocked manner. "But Flannigan says the dinner has not come." "Good Lord!" Jim exclaimed.

But God made the earthquake, the volcano, the cyclone; the shark, the viper, the tiger, the octopus, the poison berry; and the deadly loathsome germs of cholera, consumption, typhoid, smallpox, and the black death. God has permitted famine, pestilence, and war. He has permitted martyrdom, witch-burning, slavery, massacre, torture, and human sacrifice.

Have the inhabitants of Sobre Vista been converted to the Mohammedan faith and declined to celebrate saints' days and holy days? Is there smallpox in the town, that the quietus has been put on fiestas and fandangoes, and has Peru been annexed by Chile and the celebration of the national holidays forbidden?" "No, Mr. Ricks. It's the same old manana burg.

'Skipper, he whines, 'I've cotched it! "''Tis the smallpox, sir, says I. 'I seed the spots. "'No such nonsense! says the skipper. ''Tis the measles. That's what he've got. Jagger an' me says so. "'But Jagger ain't here, says I. "'Never you mind about that, says he. 'I knows what Jagger thinks. "When we put into Harbour Grand we knowed it wasn't no measles.

I feel assured, that I have no reader who will not join in regretting the premature loss of Arabanoo, who died of the smallpox on the 18th instant, after languishing in it six days. From some imperfect marks and indents on his face, we were inclined to believe that he had passed this dreaded disorder.