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I feel assured, that I have no reader who will not join in regretting the premature loss of Arabanoo, who died of the smallpox on the 18th instant, after languishing in it six days. From some imperfect marks and indents on his face, we were inclined to believe that he had passed this dreaded disorder.

That is to say, she can for a while, but at a risk no thinkin' man would run. "'What the deil d' ye suppose we pass your indents for? says old Holdock. 'Man, we're spendin' money like watter.

The first-named indents the coast to a distance of over one hundred miles, the latter seventy miles, the first being north, and the last south of Bergen. The excellent situation of the harbor and its direct steam communication with European ports gives this ancient city an extensive commerce in proportion to the number of inhabitants, who do not aggregate over forty thousand.

This, in triplicate, is an ordinary procedure anywhere. But in Basra it was necessary, for some reason, to make out over twenty copies, and this is a long business on a typewriter that will only do a small number at a time, and is wanted for other things. It also caused a great delay before indents could materialise. You wished, say, to order a truss for a patient.

The Quartermaster-Sergeant writes it off as "lost owing to the exigencies of military service," and indents for another. Lieutenant Cockerell's haversack contained a packet of meat-lozenges and about half a pound of chocolate. These were presented to the Sergeant. "Hand these round as far as they will go, Sergeant," said Cockerell. "They'll make a mouthful a man, anyhow.

Whether it be invariably Sunday or not, at least it is always octo-diurnal. Pray get an eight-day clock, and then all family matters will move on in strict uniformity. Thank your husband for his letter about Mr. Law's indents. The instability of all human concerns has been a theme of remark for the last 4000 years.

There were the deep narrow ruts which the wheels of a chaise, long stationary, had made in the turf at the side of the road; and south of them was a plat of poached ground where the horses had stood and shifted their feet uneasily. He walked forward, and by the moonlight traced the dusty indents of the wheels until they exchanged the sward for the hard road.

And the thing was squat there, and might have root within the earth, so it did seem to mine imaginings, as I did stare with a dumb wonder. And there were monstrous warts upon the thing, and indents and a mighty ruggedness and lumpings; as it were that it did be pimpled with great boulders that were inbred within that monstrous hide.

But while directing your attention to the extension of your district, you must also use your best endeavours to curtail the indents. "Your letter to Mr. C.F. Lewis states, in nearly these words, that I 'am appointed to succeed him; and you beg of him 'to deliver into my hands all the documents that refer to the affairs of the district. Mr.

From him the natives say they derive many of the songs sung at their dances; he also causes diseases sometimes, and especially one which indents the face like the effects of small pox.