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And here, dropping his lofty didactic manner, and if I may coin a word smalling his deep, sonorous voice, to a thin reedy treble, in imitation of the tenuous fringilline pipe, he went on with lively language, rapid utterance, and suitable brisk movements and gestures, to describe the little lemon-coloured housekeeper in her gilded cage.

Her listener sympathized too largely with both of them to be anything but unsatisfactory in his reply. Laura gazed longingly out of the window towards the thin dusty line of Hussars, now smalling towards the Mellstock Ridge. 'I, she said, 'who should have been in their van on the way to London, am doomed to fester in a hole in Durnover Lane!

At one time on a high place the human body scent was doubly strong, then as she dropped it faded. Then the wind brought the full calf-odor with several track-scents of Coyotes and sundry Birds. Her suspicions were lulling as in a smalling circle she neared the tempting feast from the windward side.

"Hello! what's this?" he said, looking down at a small girl, who seemed so shy that her face was covered with blushes as she pulled at his sleeve. "Please, Mr. West, I'd like to say something to you," she said, hesitatingly. "Why, it's Madge Smalling, Mary's older sister!" exclaimed Ralph, showing new interest.