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Certainly not instinct, and not reason, which hesitates between different courses and is slow to arrive at a decision. One can only say that it was, or was like, intuition, which is as much as to say that we don't know. Among the rarer fringilline birds on the common were the cirl bunting, bullfinch and goldfinch, the last two rarely seen.

Perhaps in some subtle way, beyond the psychologist's power to trace, he has become aware of my opinion of his performance the unspoken detraction which yet affects its object; and, feeling hurt in his fringilline amour propre, he has all at once taken himself off. Never mind; a better singer has succeeded him.

When the goldfinch goes and we know that he is going rapidly other coarser fringilline birds, without the melody, brightness, and charm of the goldfinch sparrow and bunting come in, and in some rough fashion supply its place; but when the kingfisher disappears an important place is left absolutely vacant, for in this case there is no coarser bird of homely plumage with the fishing instinct to seize upon it.

The robin, the little bird "with the red stomacher," would be there for the customary crumbs at meal-time, and many dainty fringilline pensioners would keep him company.

And here, dropping his lofty didactic manner, and if I may coin a word smalling his deep, sonorous voice, to a thin reedy treble, in imitation of the tenuous fringilline pipe, he went on with lively language, rapid utterance, and suitable brisk movements and gestures, to describe the little lemon-coloured housekeeper in her gilded cage.