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Magazines all filled; Enemy all galloping for Prag: Daun himself, who is sitting vigilant, far in the interior, at Jaromirtz this month past, was thrown into huge flurry, for some days! A swift man, when he must! "This is Fouquet's attempt, alluded to above; of which as every reader must be satisfied with Small-War we will give only the dates.

After which there was no Small-War farther, and everybody rested in cantonment, making ready till the Great should come. The Prussian wounded are all in Leipzig this Winter; a crowded stirring Town; young Archenholtz, among many others, going about in convalescent state, not attending Gellert's course, that I hear of, but noticing vividly to right and left.

Here, surely, is abundance of preliminary Small-War, on the part of a Friedrich reduced to the defensive! Fouquet's Sequel, hinted at above, was to this effect. On Fouquet's failing to get hold of the Moravian Magazines, and returning to his Post at Leobschutz, a certain rash General Deville, who is Austrian chief in those parts, hastily rushed through the Jagerndorf Hills, and invaded Fouquet.

Heartily by her; not so heartily by Soltikof and her Army people, who know the Austrian habits; and privately decide on NOT picking chestnuts from the fire, while the other party's paws keep idle, and only his jaws are ready. Of Small-War there is nothing or little to be said; indeed there occurs almost none.

"This was Prince Henri's Invasion of the Bamberg-Nurnberg Countries; a much sharper thing than in any former Year. Much the most famous, and," luckily for us, "the last of the Small-War affairs for the present. Started, from Tschopau region, Bamberg way, April 29th-May 5th.

We have heard of Captain, now Major Ziethen, how Friedrich Wilhelm sent him to the Rhine Campaign, six years ago, to learn the Hussar Art from the Austrians there. "In these Small-War businesses, Baronay, Austrian Major-General of Hussars, had been exceedingly mischievous hitherto. Two marches or so will bring him home; if Prussian diligence prevent not.

For the present absolutely none. Next Year indeed, Loudon, on Fouquet at Landshut But let us not anticipate! Just before quitting Landshut for Schmottseifen, Friedrich himself rode into Bohemia, to look more narrowly; and held Trautenau, at the bottom of the Pass, for a day or two But the reader has had enough of Small-War!