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You know how men babble away each other's characters in London, you may be sure any buried scandal or hidden skeleton would have been brought to light in such a case as this; but nothing of the sort has taken place. As for the theory of mania, that is very well, of course, for the coroner's jury, but everybody knows that it's all nonsense. Suicidal mania is not small-pox."

On the continent I find it has been known for a much longer period; it is as contagious among dogs as the small-pox, measles, or scarlet fever among the human species; and the contagious miasmata, like those arising from the diseases just mentioned, retain their infectious properties a long time after separation from the distempered animal.

The last day on board the Kashgar was characterized by one of those blazing sunsets that set everything aglow, making it appear as though the world had taken fire at the horizon and was actually burning up. Before arriving at Aden it was discovered that one of the foremast hands of the ship was quite ill with small-pox, a very annoying thing to happen under the circumstances.

There is no better known cause of a high death rate than overcrowding. Overcrowding increases the death rate from infectious diseases, especially such as whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, small-pox, and typhus.

His figure was short and thickset, his face broad, and deeply pitted with the small-pox, his nose an apology for a nose, being a small tubercle arising mid-way between his eyes and mouth, the former of which were small, the latter wide, and displaying a magnificent row of white teeth.

"Small-pox, think?" "I do not know, genteelmen! I do not know what he die of!" "Measles, likely?" "May be may be I do not know I think he die of somethings." "Parents living?" "Im-poseeeble!" "Ah which is the bust and which is the pedestal?" "Santa Maria! zis ze bust! zis ze pedestal!" "Ah, I see, I see happy combination very happy combination, indeed.

More than sufficiently afraid of robbers and murderers, she was not afraid of infection: "What should an old woman like me do taking the small-pox! I've had it bad enough once already!" She was rather staggered, however, when she found what Hester's plan for the intruders was. Nothing more, since the night of the concert, had been done to make the great room habitable by the family.

Well, if she fails me, I shall go to bed with small-pox. There will be nothing else to be done. The Princess has actually put off another engagement to come she has heard so much of Lady Kitty's reciting. But you'll help me through, won't you?"

"Great God!" gasped the doctor, "the mischief has been done! I did not have an instant's time to warn you. Your mother is alarmingly ill with that dread disease, small-pox! I am forced to say to you that after what has occurred your contact with my patient, I shall be obliged to quarantine you both." "Great God!" Hubert cried, turning pale as death as he looked at Jessie. "Do not fear for me, Mr.

Fevers affect the natives after a fall of rain, but though some cases are of a very pernicious type, the majority belong to the simple intermittent or remittent, and yield rapidly to a proper treatment. Small-pox now and then makes fearful ravages. When it breaks out, a mild case is chosen, and from it a great many are inoculated.