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"But we walked home over the fields and by the Warren, and just in that boggy bit where you cross the Welsh-road, Godfrey found the slot of a red-deer in the snow, and naturally we both had to follow it up." "Naturally," Richard said. "I'm not so sure it was a red-deer, Honoria," the boy broke in. "Oh yes, it was," she declared as she helped herself to a cutlet.

"But," cried Cellette at last, "it is so easy so simple! You go to the post, you say, 'Kindly weigh this letter, you ask how much to put on it, you buy the stamps, you affix them, you drop the letter in the slot. Voil

Furthermore, it could only be raised in the following manner: A piece of strong iron wire, which lay among the other litter, was inserted in a narrow slot, apparently a crack in the stone.

Then he ate somewhat of the meat on the board, and did on his helm and his other gear, and unbarred the door, and led Sure- foot without, and brought him to the north-east corner of the house, and in a little while he lifted the slot and they departed, the man and the hound, just as broke dawn from over the mountains.

Quite a while ago. You make me think of her. She was little and had blue eyes. She died on me when the baby came. She took the baby with her." "Oh," murmured Mrs. Dustin and she forgot the beer growing stale on the counter, forgot the slot machines against the walls, forgot everything but this man who for this minute stood out from a world of men with this unhealed sorrow in his heart.

But what good was the paper route now? or where the pleasure in dropping his weekly income into that long, narrow slot? Louise wasn't his girl any more. She'd said so, herself. In a sudden fit of spite, he sprang up and seized the heavy, sneering bit of pottery in both hands.

I slept that night in the village of the Sebungow Dyaks, and the next day reached Sarawak, passing through a most beautiful country where limestone mountains with their fantastic forms and white precipices slot up on every side, draped and festooned with a luxuriant vegetation.

It was almost deserted; a cable-car now and then crawled up and down its length, and at times a delivery wagon rattled across it; but that was about all. On the opposite sidewalk two boys and a girl were coasting downhill on their roller-skates and their brake-wagons. The cable in its slot kept up an incessant burr and clack.

Long Sin watched his master in silent admiration as, at last, he drew forth the mystic ring for which they had dared all. Without a word, Wu dropped it in the slot. It tinkled down the runway, a protuberance hit a trigger and pushed it a hair's breadth. A noise behind them caused the two to turn startled. Even Wu had not expected it.

"Kill-joy. How about the one-arm bandits?" He pointed to several rows of slot machines. "No help there, either. It depends on how they're set, but usually out of every four coins you put in, one drops out of play completely. The only one who ever sees it again is the man who owns the machine. So, if you keep feeding money in, eventually the machine will take it all.