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By a curious paradox, however, it often happens that the headache due to eye-strain is caused not by the grosser defects, such as interfere with vision so seriously as absolutely to demand the wearing of glasses to see decently, but from slighter and more irregular degrees and kinds of misshapenness in the eye, most of which fall under the well-known heading of astigmatism.

Similarly, the process of ovulation continues over fifteen days menstruation lasts from three to six but even in the cases that demand rest, six to twelve hours is usually enough, and more than enough. It is noticeable that a slighter disturbance of normal conditions is needed to render digestion painful than to cause painful ovulation, that is, pain preceding the menstrual flow.

But in slighter intimacies, and for a less stringent union? Indeed, is it worth while? We are all INCOMPRIS, only more or less concerned for the mischance; all trying wrongly to do right; all fawning at each other's feet like dumb, neglected lap- dogs. Sometimes we catch an eye this is our opportunity in the ages and we wag our tail with a poor smile. "IS THAT ALL?" All? If you only knew!

"I am quite tall and strong, although I am but a girl," exclaimed Leonora, with flashing eyes; "I have seen among the soldiers who started yesterday many volunteers who were a great deal shorter and slighter than I am." "But, at all events, they had shorter hair and a stronger voice than you have," laughed her father.

Both, indeed, were inadequate to encounter the combined power of two such men as Bertram himself and his friend Dinmont, without reckoning their unexpected assistant Hazlewood, who was unarmed, and of a slighter make; but Bertram felt, on a moment's reflection, that there would be neither sense nor valour in anticipating the hangman's office, and he considered the importance of making Hatteraick prisoner alive.

Armand was just beginning to understand this strange situation; he put his hope in the first word spoken by nature. Every evening, as he came away from Mme de Langeais', he told himself that no woman would accept the tenderest, most delicate proofs of a man's love during seven months, nor yield passively to the slighter demands of passion, only to cheat love at the last.

But even the ordinary cases of unhealthy action in the system, are sufficient to account for perhaps three-fourths of all the disquiet and bad temper which disfigure daily life. To speak strictly, not one man in a hundred is perfectly sane even as to his mind. But this calculation has never been made to include all the slighter cases.

Asquith's about safeguarding "the indefeasible authority of the Imperial Parliament" a mere equivocation, for it affords no indication as to whether the supremacy retained is the effective and direct control maintained by Canada over Ontario, or the much slighter and vaguer supremacy exercised by the United Kingdom over the Dominions.

But, granting that the most gigantic theory might be built up on some slighter practical evidence, I would defy anyone even that philosophising German who evolved a camel from the depths of his inner moral consciousness to determine the capabilities of any young lady for the future onerous duties of wife and mother, and mistress of a household, merely from hearing her say what coloured ice she would have after the heated dance; or, from her statements that the evening was "flat" or "nice," the season "dull" or "busy," and the heroine of the last new novel "delightful," while the villain was correspondingly "odious."

The first glimpse made me startbut my eyes were darkened with exhaustion and despair. Dare I trust them? ‘Yesit is not she! It was a younger, slighter, rosier beautylovely indeed, but with far less dignity and depth of soulwithout that indefinable grace, that keenly spiritual yet gentle charm, that ineffable power to attract and subjugate the heartmy heart at least.