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Bluebell's face brightened with anticipation; then she looked down, and demurred, "I don't know that I shall be able to go." "That's only a put off, I am sure; you came out last garrison sleigh-drive." "Yes, because Colonel Rolleston took me in his, but I mustn't expect to go every time; and you see there's Freddy; but I should like it awfully, Mr. Vavasour."

"I am delivering some lively freight, you see. Don't you admire my turnout?" "Yes; it is superb. May we get on board?" "Well, if you would care to I don't mind," was the hesitating reply; "but I have nothing but boards for seats, you know." "Oh! no matter. The first sleigh-drive of the season is always the most enjoyable, no matter what sort of a sleigh carries you along."

Just then Lady Mary's governess came to bid her nurse dress her for a sleigh-ride, and so for the present we shall leave her; but we will tell our little readers something more in another chapter about Lady Mary and her flying squirrel. "Nurse, we have had a very nice sleigh-drive. I like sleighing very much over the white snow.

'Papa is not at all suited for a settler's life, she said. 'He has always lived in cities, and town habits are strong upon him. It is the best we can do. Into Robert Wynn's mind, during that sleigh-drive under the northern lights, had entered one or two novel ideas. The first was a plan for frustrating the grasping storekeeper's design. He laid the whole circumstances before Mr.