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Hooray! These expressions, delivered in a most boisterous tone, and accompanied with loud peals of laughter, roused Mr. Pickwick from one of those sound slumbers which, lasting in reality some half-hour, seem to the sleeper to have been protracted for three weeks or a month.

He subsided into silence, and, undressing with stealthy care, crept into bed and lay there, marvelling at his self-control. He was a sound sleeper, but six times at least he was awakened by Mrs. Billing slipping out of bed regardless of draughts to her liege lord and marching up and down the room with the visitor in her arms. He rose in the morning and dressed in ominous silence.

In astronomy they call them comets, and astronomers would be much happier without them." "I am not an astronomer." "Fortunately for the peace of the solar system. You have been sending your comets dangerously near to our sick planet," he added, pointing to the sleeper. "If you do it again he will break up into asteroids.

She seemed to belong rightly to a madrigal to require viewing through rhyme and harmony. One thing at least was obvious: she was not made to be looked at thus. The reddleman had appeared conscious of as much, and, while Mrs. Yeobright looked in upon her, he cast his eyes aside with a delicacy which well became him. The sleeper apparently thought so too, for the next moment she opened her own.

She pays this very cheerfully, and appeals to Joe whether that is not better than the other way. "Why, Joe," says she, "to a woman like me, that's a-foot all day, 'tis worth sixty pounds a year to be a good sleeper; and I shouldn't be that if I had wronged my neighbor." Arthur Wardlaw is in a private lunatic asylum, and is taken great care of.

All of a sudden he sprang to his feet and stretched himself like a sleeper awakening from a long sleep, which had been haunted by evil dreams, he drank in the balmy air in deep draughts. "What's the matter?" whispered his wife, while a crimson blush spread over her face. "I don't know. All I know is that I live, that I breathe again."

A huge peal seemed to come almost with it, the last huge peal ere that brief passionate storm withdrew. Then the sleeper began to talk. He talked too well too well for me to mix his actual phrases up with this secular story. The Intelligence man began to laugh. The thing struck him as funny. But suddenly I caught familiar words, and I put my finger on my lips.

They seemed to have the contrary effect, making him irritable; and though he made up his mind to watch the stars peer out through the opalescent sky he did not call it opalescent, for the simple word dusky took its place even their soft light had no effect upon him, and to come to the result at once the would-be sleeper gave it up at last for a bad job.

"You're mighty frisky f'r a feller gitt'n' off'n a midnight train," replied the man, tramping along a narrow hallway, and talking in a voice loud enough to awaken every sleeper in the house. "Have t' be, or there'd be a pair of us." "You'll laugh out o' the other side o' y'r mouth when you saw away on one o' the bell-collar steaks this house puts up," ended the clerk as he put the lamp down.

And as I stood just where my feet were planted, in the dust of the road, instead of on the little ten-foot platform, that didn't quite reach to my sleeper steps, I felt as small as I really am in comparison to the universe. I looked after the train and groveled.