United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

That slavery should be the custom of savage nations and cannibals, is not a cause of wonder: they are the only class of human beings it ought to remain with. Here slavery assumes its most hideous shape! Every one they can effect a seizure of in an enemy's country becomes the slave of the captors. Children are greatly prized: these they bring to their dwellings, and they remain slaves for life.

They wanted slavery to remain where it was, and were perfectly willing that it should be undisturbed. They disliked the blacks, and did not want to have them freed, fearing that if set at liberty they would overrun what was then free soil.

Let the States ask a retrocession of the District, and I am sure the free States will rejoice to make the grant. The Senator condemns the abolitionists for desiring that slavery should not exist in the Territories, even in Florida.

A proposition in the Constitutional Convention to make the Government a propagandist of slavery in free territory, would have been indignantly rejected.

With regard to political and religious freedom, the cause of temperance, and the slavery question, time has proved that the Lord of Hosts, so far from being against, was on the side of, those who advocated these great reforms, and led them on to victory; and there is no reason to doubt that this last reform will, by the same hand, be led to similar triumph.

"But," M. Laboulaye rightly says, "it did not change the condition of men in a moment, any more than that of things; between slavery and liberty there was an abyss which could not be filled in a day; the transitional step was servitude." Now, what was servitude? In what did it differ from Roman slavery, and whence came this difference? Let the same author answer. Of servitude.

To fill up Liberia with an ignorant, inexperienced, half-barbarized race, just escaped from the chains of slavery, would be only to prolong, for ages, the period of struggle and conflict which attends the inception of new enterprises.

Davis never mentioned slavery, a subject which was uppermost in the minds of all, North and South, but he alluded to the possibility of war, and thought the new republic ought to have an army and navy. The concluding paragraph of his speech, delivered in measured but feeling tones, seemed very solemn and serious to Harry.

The few thousand whites of Jamaica will never be able to establish slavery, or any thing like it, over its 300,000 blacks. Already they are fain to swallow their prejudice against color. Mr. Jordon, member for Kingston and "free nigger," was listened to with respect.

To commit one's self to God in Christ and be redeemed from most real sins turned from selfishness to love, from slavery to freedom; to trust Him in most real difficulties and perplexities, and find one's self empowered and enlightened; is to discover that faith works, and works gloriously.