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The complaint of "incivism" would be more rational if there were some one by whom it could reasonably be made. My advice to slandered officials has ever been: "Resign." The public officials of this favored country, Heaven be thanked, are infrequently slandered: they are, as a rule, so bad that calumniation is a compliment.

He was at that time, after almost superhuman exertions, engaged in the famous relief of Paris. He had gone there, he said, against his judgment and remonstrating with his Majesty on the insufficiency of men and money for such an enterprise. His army was half-mutinous and unprovided with food, artillery, or munitions; and then he found himself slandered, ridiculed, his life's life lied away.

But though this alleged theft becomes in certain annals the basis of a picturesque story as to Hideyoshi repaying Matsushita a thousandfold in later years, the unadorned truth seems to be that Hideyoshi was obliged to leave Kuno on account of the jealousy of his fellow retainers, who slandered him to Yukitsuna and procured his dismissal.

I have seen her beset on every side with the most petty annoyances, ridiculed and misrepresented, slandered and persecuted; I have known women refuse to take her extended hand; women to whom she presented copies of "The History of Woman Suffrage," return it unnoticed; others to keep it without one word of acknowledgment; others to write most insulting letters in answer to hers of affectionate conciliation.

"In truth, my opinion of the Essenes rises, and I am convinced that those priests slandered them. If they can shape so sweet a lady, surely they must themselves be good and gentle"; and he bowed gravely, perhaps to mark the compliment. "Sir, they are both good and gentle," answered Miriam; "but of this you will be able to judge for yourself very shortly, seeing that they live near at hand.

He does not like it. He is afraid of it. He wishes himself anywhere but where he is. He has little or no hope of succeeding; and if he fails, he fears that he will be blamed, misunderstood, slandered. But he feels he must go through with it. He cannot turn back; he cannot escape. As the saying is, the bull is brought to the stake, and he must bide the baiting.

While slandered as the accumulator of thousands by illicit means, Colonel Hamilton had wasted in the public service great part of the property acquired by his previous labours, and had found himself compelled to decide on retiring from his political station.

Although we sometimes gained one, we owed it to our superior numbers; but the army must now be greatly reduced by desertion and disease." This sycophantic nation liked nothing better than to hear the soldiers slandered, and therefore Manlius even slandered himself.

I mean the man of whom you cautioned me this afternoon the wretch who slandered me the niece of your host!" "Whe ew!" "Will you do it?" "Where's Percy?" "On the lounge with an ice in one hand and a novel in the other! I suppose it is no use mincing the matter, John he is a mere epicure there is no fight in him! It is you who must vindicate your cousin's honor!"

"I?" said Donnegan, with appropriate inflection. "As if I were a man and you were angry." "But you see?" And he made a gesture with both of his palms turned up. "People have slandered me. I am harmless." "The minute is up, Mr. Donnegan. What is it you wish?" "Another minute." "Now you laugh at me." "No, no!" "And in the next minute?" "I hope to persuade you to stay till the third minute."