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A terrible volley was poured into the valley, and it seemed to Dick that half of Slade's force went down, but as they rushed forward to finish the task they met a fire that caused many of the Union soldiers to drop. Slade was evidently a man of ability. Dick saw him springing about and blowing a little silver whistle, which he knew was a call to rally. But the surprise was too sudden and great.

Joining the men detailed to enter the cave in advance, when they reached the top of the bluff, Gregory reported to the officer in charge. "Mr. Slade sent me to join you," he said. "I brought him over from Legonia in my launch." Jack Smith hesitated. "All right," he muttered after a moment. "Slade's the boss. Take off that slicker. It'll catch on the brush. Follow after the others and stay close.

Far down in the valley, Slade pointed out the cattle. They were scattered a little, as though perfunctorily guarded, but still massed enough to make the task of rounding them up comparatively simple to the big group of men in Slade's company.

Harris's remarks about Slade's mode of acquiring new brands recurred to her, that he fostered some small outfit for a few seasons, then bought it out. As the men scattered she commented on this to Harris. The Three Bar foreman nodded. "Likely the same old move," he said. "I've been trying to get a line on Carp. He started off with a bill of sale from Slade for a hundred head of Three Bar rebrands.

"He's more of a guerilla than a regular soldier, but he may be able to gather a considerable force. I wish we could cut him off." "So do I," said Dick, but his feeling was prompted chiefly by Slade's determined attempts upon his life. Colonel Hertford now pushed forward his men. He, too, was filled with ambitions.

Either a band of vengeful cattlemen had discovered and attacked the rustlers' secret stronghold, or Cochise had returned and taken advantage of Slade's absence to carry out his designs against Elsie. The man sent back by Slade evidently was riding to summon reinforcements of Navahos from the pueblo.

"Doctor Sturtevant has had that coachman thirty years, and he doesn't chew, he drives," said Daisy. Then they drew up before the house which was their destination, Mrs. George B. Slade's. The house was very small, but perkily pretentious, and they drove under the porte-cochère to alight. "I heard Mr.

And just as I was stepping into a taxi to come on here, I met Chilverton, so he came along with me. What brings you, then? Similar message, eh? And what " "Hush!" whispered Appleyard. "Miss Slade's coming out of the tea-house! And who's the man that's with her?" All five men glanced covertly over their shoulders at the open door of the tea-house, some twenty to thirty yards away.

It seemed as though as soon as the arrest was made some of Slade's friends had started to inform his wife, from the fact that just as they were carrying the body from the gallows to the hotel she was seen coming across the hill as fast as her horse could carry her.

The gaping jaws of the angry snake and the peculiar billowing of its body so fixed Lennon's gaze that he only half glimpsed the final stumble of Slade's pony. Unable to keep his footing among the loose stones of the side slope, the exhausted animal plunged headlong. Slade managed to fling himself clear, but fell prone on the sharp-edged stones. His nose was skinned and one cheek gashed.