United States or Belize ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As Lord Shaw forcibly pointed out, "The project does not mean the slackening of our efforts or a weakening of our forces or timidity in our policy in the present War. If it did I would not be associated with it for one hour."

"You are leaving me!" he cried horribly. She walked straight on, neither quickening nor slackening her pace nor swerving, although his body began unsteadily to intercept hers. He kept beside her. "Don't! Isabel!" he prayed out of his agony. "Don't leave me like this !" She walked on and reached the steps of the veranda. Crying out in his longing he threw his arms around her and held her close.

Without being able to detect the difference, she felt they were slackening speed. She turned inquiringly towards him; he nodded his head, with a half smile and a gesture to her to look ahead. The spires of San Jose were already faintly uplifting from the distant fringe of oaks. So soon! In fifteen minutes she would be there and THEN! She remembered suddenly she had not yet determined what to do.

They had at Inglesby's instigation been guilty of a tactical blunder of which the men behind the Clarion had taken fiendish and unexpected advantage. It had simply never occurred to either that a small town editor might dare to "come back." The impossible had actually happened. I think it was this slackening of his power which alarmed Inglesby into action. "Mr.

For my part, I am willing to have this part of Kansas crowded to within, say, a mile and a half of us, and no more. Hey, Charlie?" But the prospect of that side of the Republican Fork being over-full with settlers did not seem very imminent about that time. From parts of Kansas nearer to the Missouri River than they were, they heard of a slackening in the stream of migration.

Even that slight slackening of his rigid concentration brought relief to the Professor. Without any knowledge as to the source of their conviction, the two girls who watched felt that the Professor was becoming dominant. And then there came a sudden queer change. The intangible triumph of the Professor's stony poise seemed to fade away.

The revival of business in the United States proved as contagious in Canada as had been its slackening in the early seventies. The Canadian people gave the credit for the improvement in health to the well-advertised patent medicine they had taken just before the change set in; and for some years all criticisms of the N.P. were fated to fall on deaf ears.

Arnolfo died in 1310, and thereupon there seems to have been a cessation or slackening of work, due no doubt to the disturbed state of the city, which was in the throes of costly wars and embroilments.

'Now, look here, Warrigal, I said, 'you know why you're doing this, and so do I. Our horses are not up to galloping fifty or sixty miles on end just off a spell and with no work for months. If you don't pull up and go our pace I'll knock you off your horse. 'Oh! you're riled! he said, looking as impudent as he dared, but slackening all the same.

It does not matter how many holes one is up on one's opponent; there is never any slackening until the game has been won.