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But he is my sister's son my own nephew our flesh and blood and his hands and feet are yerked as tight as cords can be drawn. Whistler, do the cords hurt you?" "Very much." "But, if I were to slacken them, you would harm me?" "No, I would not you never harmed me or mine." There may be good in him yet, thought Jeanie; I will try fair play with him.

If I died, a superior power must direct the course of this as of all other events. These meditations did not enfeeble my resolution, or slacken my pace. In proportion as I drew near the city, the tokens of its calamitous condition became more apparent.

So far therefore as the mere publication of new principles is concerned, and so far also as merely self-regarding action goes, one who has the keenest sense of social responsibility, and is most scrupulously afraid of doing anything to slacken or perturb the process of social growth, may still consistently give to the world whatever ideas he has gravely embraced.

'No bond has been signed, said I, 'that we should ride like couriers. Suppose, princess, we slacken our pace. 'That will we, she replied, 'and leave it to the Queen to announce our approach. Here now, alas! are Zabdas and Longinus overtaking us. The Queen wonders at your delay, said she, addressing them; 'put spurs to your horses, and you may easily overtake her.

The hands of the cavalrymen reined back, the instinct of men and horses was to slacken, to stop, if the enemy himself did not stop, and to make an about if he continued to advance. And if ever they met, the encounter was so weakened by the hands of the men, the rearing of the horses, the swinging of heads, that it was a face to face stop.

"That's right, be careful," she admonished, allowing the strap to slacken while she, herself, balanced her weight on the rocking slab. "But it is safe enough you see. Now, now, Tuck, come on." But as she started on, Tisdale reappeared at the curve and, waving her hand to reassure him, she took an incautious step.

If, before she was obliged to lower her cylinder, she could get near enough to the almost stationary repeller to take part in the attack on her, she would then be content to slacken speed and let the crabs nibble awhile at her stern.

He thrust out his arm to brush her aside, never slackening his pace; but she caught at it, and, clasping it with both hands, hung upon it her full weight, letting him drag her on with him a few feet. "Stop, Luigi Poggi! Stop, I tell you, or I'll scream for help stop, I say!" He was obliged to slacken his speed in order not to hurt her.

A ball passed through his head, and from the range of British bullets it seemed quite probable that he was accidentally shot by some of the Americans. This was the only man killed near where Fernando stood. The firing began to slacken when he fell. While three or four men were carrying the body away, a white flag was raised on the opposite side of the breastwork, and the firing ceased.

But he could as easily have stopped the pursuing fire, which was in the meadow and was house high; for, with those in the rear pressing them on at every bound, the leaders could not slacken their course. He saw that there was but one thing to be done: increase the speed before the buckboard was run down. "Oh, why didn't I unhitch?" he cried miserably as he climbed back to the little girl's side.