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A bed was then spread out on the floor a la turque, which was rather hard; but as the sheets were snowy white, I reckoned myself very lucky. I must say that there is a degree of cleanliness within doors, which I had been led to consider as somewhat foreign to the habits of Slaavic populations.

Servian Education. In the whole range of the Slaavic family there is no nation possessing so extensive a collection of excellent popular poetry.

The end of education in Servia being practical, prominence is given to geometry, natural philosophy, Slaavic history and literature, &c.

No sooner had I secured my quarters and deposited my baggage, than I sought the main street, in order to catch the delightfully keen impression which a new region stamps on the mind. How different are the features of Slaavic Turkey, from those of the Arabic provinces in which I so long resided.

The heterogeneousness of the inhabitants of London and Paris is from the influx of foreigners; but the odd mixture of German, Italian, Slaavic, and I know not how many other races in Vienna, is almost all generated within the limits of the monarchy.

The language used was the old Slaavic, now a dead language, but used to this day as the vehicle of divine service in all Greco-Slaavic communities from the Adriatic to the utmost confines of Russia, and the parent of all the modern varieties of the Southern and Eastern Slaavic languages. A Battue missed. Proceed to Alexinatz. Foreign-Office Courier. Bulgarian frontier. Gipsey Suregee. Tiupria.

This peculiarity of manners has not sprung from the four centuries of Turkish occupation, but appears to have been inherent in old Slaavic manners, and such as we read of in Russia, a very few generations ago; but as the European standard is now rapidly adopted at Belgrade, there can be little doubt that it will thence, in the course of time, spread over all Servia.

It is in red silk, and bears the emblem of the cross, with the inscription "Jesus Christ conquers." We then went to the professor's room, which was furnished with the newest Russ, Bohemian, and other Slaavic publications, and after a short conversation visited the classes then sitting.