United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was under the impression that cocoanuts grew on their trees in the same form as that in which they are usually presented to us in grocers' windows namely, about the size of a large fist with three spots at one end.

Suddenly the door opened, I saw a man or a somebody about the size of a man, standing straight in front of me. I pointed one of Colt's revolvers at his head, for I thought I saw something human about him; and I told him that whether he was ghost or spirit, goblin or robber, he had better stand steady, or I would blow his brains out, if he had any.

There are two little inns, with five or six rooms each, and one boarding-house of the same size. We could only get one small room, into which all three were packed, at a charge of a dollar and a quarter per day; while for two wretched meals we paid a dollar and a half each.

The bloodless condition of the body is manifested by the pale, visible mucous membrane. Death seldom occurs. The most characteristic diseased changes found on post-mortem examination occur in the liver and spleen. The liver is enlarged, and a yellowish, mahogany-brown color. The gallbladder is filled with a very thick bile. The spleen may be several times the normal size and dark colored.

"A cousin of mine who traveled in Switzerland last year told me that one could not picture to oneself the poetry of the lakes, the charm of the waterfalls, the gigantic effect of the glaciers. One sees pines of incredible size across torrents, cottages suspended over precipices, and, a thousand feet below one, whole valleys when the clouds open.

Frank Cooper, the editor of the Banner, though he looked pained when he saw the name "Old Bourbon" on the jug, and noticed the immense size of the jug remarked that it was the best way not to condemn a man till the returns were all in.

These islands were once the haunts of pirates, so I may imagine all sorts of romantic things. What I find are lemon-trees. I do not know if they are wild, or if the key was once cultivated; the lemons are huge in size, and nearly all skin, but the flavour is delicious. Turtle-eggs with wild lemon-juice!

It was never supposed that the tiny regular Army of the United States Government could be raised to any very great size by voluntary enlistment, and the limited increase of it which was attempted was not altogether successful. The existing militia system of the several States was almost immediately found faulty and was discarded.

"The monads have a common resemblance in substance one with another; but in respect of qualities, of power, and size, they are substantially unlike. There are the monads of people; there are human monads, animal monads, vegetable monads; in short, the world is full of monads they compose the world "

Bedford, only a few miles farther on the Cambridge road, was one of the best-appearing English towns of the size we had seen anywhere with handsome residences and fine business buildings. It is more on the plan of American towns, for its buildings are not ranged along a single street as is the rule in England.