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"But it's wus," continued Dan, "for masther an' Miss Gordon than for us, darlint there, now, don't toss yer head, mavourneen, ye know we can git spliced av we like whenever I git a noo sitiwation; but masther can't well throw up the wan he's got, an' yit it won't kape him an' his wife. Och! worse luck! Av we could only diskiver a goold mine now, or somethin' o' that sort."

And what a Life Young Bailey's was! 'He was born into a wale, said Mrs Gamp, with philosophical coolness. 'and he lived in a wale; and he must take the consequences of sech a sitiwation. But don't you hear nothink of Mr Chuzzlewit in all this? 'No, said Poll, 'nothing to speak of. His name wasn't printed as one of the board, though some people say it was just going to be.

'Wot a thing it is to be so sought arter! observed Sam, smiling. 'I don't take no pride out on it, Sammy, replied Mr. Weller, poking the fire vehemently, 'it's a horrid sitiwation. I'm actiwally drove out o' house and home by it.

'Because if you did want to, pursued Mr Wegg, the brilliancy of whose point was dimmed by his having been unexpectedly answered: 'you wouldn't be. I've been your slave long enough. I'm not to be trampled under-foot by a dustman any more. With the single exception of the salary, I renounce the whole and total sitiwation.

"I beg your pardon, my lord " "What's the matter, James?" "I'm very sorry, my lord," said the butler, "but I wish to leave." "Wish to leave, James? Why, what do you wish to leave for? Haven't you got a good situation?" "Capital sitiwation, Sir Joseph, and you have always been a good kind master to me, Sir Joseph; but, O Sir Joseph, Sir Joseph!" "What then, James, what then?

'The sitiwation of Mrs Kenwigs, sir, is no obstacle to a little conversation between you and me, I hope? 'You are very good, said Nicholas. At this juncture, proclamation was made by another married lady, that the baby had begun to eat like anything; whereupon the two married ladies, already mentioned, rushed tumultuously into the bedroom to behold him in the act.

'It was only my joke, said the friend, abashed. 'George, rejoined Mr Kenwigs, 'a joke is a wery good thing a wery good thing but when that joke is made at the expense of Mrs Kenwigs's feelings, I set my face against it. A man in public life expects to be sneered at it is the fault of his elewated sitiwation, and not of himself.

At last, in 1868, the defeated candidate petitioned; blue-book literature was enriched by a remarkable report, and the borough was disfranchised. Of course Kinglake had only himself to thank; if a gentleman chooses to sit for a venal borough, and to intrust his interests to a questionable agent, he must, in the words of Mrs. Gamp, "take the consequences of sech a sitiwation."

'Goodness knows, exclaimed Miss Nipper, 'there's a many we could spare instead, if numbers is a object, Mrs Pipchin as a overseer would come cheap at her weight in gold, and if a knowledge of black slavery should be required, them Blimbers is the very people for the sitiwation.

At 25, if the time of birth is given correct, there is reason to expect great likelihoods of some success in life; I may, it is true, be mistaken in my calculations, but as the significators are angular, I think there is indications that such will be the sitiwation of events.