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Their voices started the colonel, and he stepped back. "Sire, it is yourself." "Yes, it is I, Frederick not the king. Yes, I am Frederick, and this capital servant is my good Deesen, who has sworn solemnly not to betray our incognito, and to give no one reason to suspect his high dignity as royal cabinet-hussar.

The aide-de-camp, having left on horseback to execute these orders, I lay down again, and the Emperor now seemed to be going to sleep; but, at the end of a few moments, I heard him call again, "Constant." "Sire." "Have the Prince de Neuchatel summoned."

"And I have one hundred archers and a score of lancers, but there are two hundred men who wait for me on this side of the water upon the borders of Navarre." "And who are they, Sir Nigel?" "They are a free company, sire, and they are called the White Company."

I have replied to your question. Now let me hear your request." "Sire," said Marmont, after a brief silence, "now that we have heard your gracious reply, I dare to give expression to our request, which is not only ours, but that of all the officers of the army of France. Sire, we implore you, give up this bold plan of operations; do not vainly shed the blood of thousands!

This one, formerly, ascertaining his sire Santanu to be afflicted by Kama, this bull among men, resolved to draw up his vital steed! Even thus did the Rishis together with the Siddhas and the Charanas said of that foremost one of the Bharatas as he lay on his bed of arrows. When Santanu's son Bhishma, the grandsire of the Bharatas, was slain, thy sons, O sire, knew not what to do.

My Orestes, my dear son, I shall never see again. His mother has deprived his father of the sight of him, and perhaps will slay him as she slew his sire. It is now no world to trust a woman in. But what says fame? is my son yet alive? lives he in Orchomen, or in Pylus, or is he resident in Sparta, in his uncle's court? as yet, I see, divine Orestes is not here with me."

It seemed to me the King flushed slightly as he rejoined, "A sovereign on his feet, or a sovereign overthrown?" "How do you mean, Sire?" said my sister. "Madame de Thianges," replied the King, "pray, let us be friends. I was informed two days ago of the proposals of the Messieurs de Lorraine; it is not, yet time to give them a definite reply.

She even had the good sense to appear indifferent to all the raillery she provoked, and said to the King: "Sire, to my mind you are one of the handsomest men in the world, and with few exceptions, your Court appears to me perfectly fitted for you. I have come but scantily equipped to such an assemblage.

The Khalifa put his hand on Osman Azrak's shoulder Osman, who was to lead the frontal attack at dawn and whispered, 'What is this strange thing? 'Sire, replied Osman, 'they are looking at us. Thereat a great fear filled all their minds. The Khalifa had a small tent, which showed conspicuously in the searchlight. He had it hurriedly pulled down.

"I want to know how he gets the dogs' coats so fine." As the king spoke a servant entered, carrying a telegram for Sapt. The colonel took it and put it in his pocket. "Read it," said the king. He had dined and was about to go to bed, it being nearly ten o'clock. "It will keep, sire," answered Sapt, who did not know but that it might be from Wintenberg. "Read it," insisted the king testily.