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When that deciding proof was established there should fall upon the sinning pair the wrath of an outraged heaven, and he, Eben Tollman, in whom every feeling of the heart had turned to the gall of hatred, would hurl the bolt. But when he appeared at the breakfast table the next morning he brought the only untroubled face to be seen there.

Now, on ordinary occasions, Hopkins was not required to do with his own hands work of that description. He had a man under him who hewed wood, and carried water, and wheeled barrows, one man always, and often two. The squire knew when he saw him that he was sinning, and bade him stop upon his road. "Hopkins," he said, "why didn't you ask for what you wanted, before you took it?"

"What is there in all this trumpery I see now that can tempt a normal man and excite him to commit the horrible sin of buying a human being for a rouble? I understand any sin for the sake of splendor, beauty, grace, passion, taste; but what is there here? What is there here worth sinning for? But... one mustn't think!" "Beardy, treat me to some porter!" said the fair girl, addressing him.

Besides the particular relations in which they were at that time, I think that the King suspected some artifice; that he went in consequence to consult Madame de Maintenon, and preferred sinning against all laws of propriety to running the chance of being duped. Madame de Maintenon did not like Monsieur. She feared him.

Perhaps you will say that there is nothing in this story either but love. And if so, it is well; for where there is naught else there can surely be no sinning, or wrongdoing, or weakness, or meanness; nor yet anything that is not quite pure and undefiled.

Think no more of the past; but let us unite in not sinning for the future: "'Heaven knows how many sins I have to atone for, replied the Duchess, 'from the follies of youth; but now, at an age of discretion and in adversity, oh, how bitterly do I reproach myself for my past levities! But, continued she, 'has Your Majesty really forgiven me?

In laboring with these men now, as at all times, I felt that a great responsibility rested on me; that this was no place for dealing softly, petting them with insinuations that they had been more sinned against than sinning, and that nothing was needed for them but a professed determination to amend, with a few efforts in that direction.

God forbid that we should cast stones at her. In the words of Christ, let us rather say to every fallen woman, "Go, and sin no more." But when a woman persists in sinning, we should speak of her in the language of Scripture, and boldly warn against her wiles. A fallen woman is not God's gift to man. Before her fall she was God's gift. In beauty Eve still remains the model.

It was not only yourself and me you were wronging, Jane, you were sinning against the Father and lover of souls, for we are all 'the children of the most High." But Jane was apparently unmoved. "I am tired," she said wearily. "I want to go to my room." "I have other things to say to you, most important things. Will you come here this evening after dinner?" "No, I will not.

It was bravely done! I heard it all! I saw it all!" Then the joy faded; a look of shame and grief came into the old face. "But having thus seen and heard has led me into grievous sin, Reverend Father. Alas, I have lied about holy things, sinning, I fear me, beyond forgiveness, though indeed I did it, meaning to do well.