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«Pour donner une idée exacte de ce pays singulier, j'ai cru devoir transporter le spectateur

"Let us dine first," said Cornelius, "and when the cloth is removed, and the waiting-ears out of hearing, time enough to have our talk to ourselves." "Bien singulier, ces Anglois!" muttered Mademoiselle to herself, as they proceeded to the house.

«La ville de St. Maurice est ainsi renfermée par cette enceinte de rochers, dont les bancs épais, bien suivis, séparés par des cordons de verdure, et couronnés par des forêts, avec un hermitage niché entre ces bancs, présente une aspect singulier et pittoresque.

His mother thinks it very creditable to his abilities; though, being unacquainted with the French language, her judgment cannot be considered final. Ce rat ci est un animal fort singulier. Il a deux pattes de derriere sur lesquelles il marche, et deux pattes de devant dont il fait usage pour tenir les journaux.

Lady Holland will be removed on Monday, and my thief one of her outriders. All Lord Holland's servants, since he had that house at Kingsgate, have been professed smugglers, and John, as I am informed, was employed in vending for them some of their contraband goods, for which he was to be allowed a profit. This is the dessous des cartes, qui est veritablement comique, et singulier.

His mother thinks it very creditable to his abilities; though, being unacquainted with the French language, her judgment cannot be considered final. Ce rat ci est un animal fort singulier. Il a deux pattes de derriere sur lesquelles il marche, et deux pattes de devant dont il fait usage pour tenir les journaux.

En un mot, la petite meprise du Roi de Prusse n'empeche pas qu'il ne soit le plus singulier de tous les homines." And now, with fiery eloquence, he began to show that upon these words hung the merit of the drama; that this speech was the most important of all! With jeers and sarcasm he drove poor D'Arnaud to the wall, who, breathless, raging, choking, could find no words nor strength to reply.

His mother thinks it very creditable to his abilities; though, being unacquainted with the French language, her judgment cannot be considered final. Ce rat ci est un animal fort singulier. Il a deux pattes de derriere sur lesquelles il marche, et deux pattes de devant dont il fait usage pour tenir les journaux.

"Il y eut certainement quelque chose de singulier dans mes sentimens pour cette charmante femme."* ROUSSEAU. * There certainly was something singular in my sentiments for this charming woman.