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"My dear chap!" cried the Colonel, "I have been searching the place for him! But I have never once set eyes upon him. I was about to ask if you knew anything about it!" Sime returned to the table where Cairn was sitting. The latter seemed to have recovered somewhat; but he looked far from well. Sime stared at him critically. "I should turn in," he said, "if I were you.

And then I'd see him and Uncle Sime Bentley, his particular chum, with their heads clost together, seemin'ly plottin' sunthin' or ruther, though what it wuz I couldn't imagine. And then they would bend their heads eagerly over the daily papers, and more'n once Josiah got down our old Olney's Atlas and he and Uncle Sime would pour over it and whisper, though what it wuz about I couldn't imagine.

"She persisted that someone wearing a crocodile mask had been standing beside her at the moment that she was taken ill." Sime started; perhaps Cairn's story was not a matter of imagination after all. "There is someone here, dressed like that, I believe," he replied, with affected carelessness. "He seems to have frightened several people. Any idea who he is?"

This was the crowning wonder, and, in its dreadful mystery, the crowning terror of Méydûm. When first that lambent light played upon the walls of the passage both stopped, stricken motionless with fear and amazement. Sime, who would have been prepared to swear that the Méydûm Pyramid contained no apartment other than the King's Chamber, now was past mere wonder, past conjecture.

The late Sir Michael Ferrara and I once camped by the Pyramid of Méydûm, as you have camped there, and we made a discovery " "Well?" said Sime, with growing interest. "It is a point upon which my lips are sealed, but do you believe in black magic?" "I am not altogether sure that I do " "Very well; you are entitled to your opinion.

But yieldin' to his arguments I consented to go with him sayin' we would stay at the door while he reconoitered. But jest as we got to the door who should we see comin' out radiant and smilin' but Josiah Allen and Uncle Sime Bentley. Billy sez, "What did I tell you?" I couldn't frame a reply, I had no frame that fitted the remark, but as Billy disappeared to once it didn't matter.

The council is locked up. It can't escape!" Events were transpiring too fast for comprehension. It was several days later, on a bench in Prince Joro's palace grounds, that Sira summed it up for Sime Hemingway. "I'm going to accept the throne!" she said. "I'm going to be a real queen. Joro has convinced me that it will be a real service to Mars.

They shuddered with dire foreboding at thought of him, and each one felt himself the centre of accusing eyes, and looked accusingly upon his fellows each one and all, save Sime, and Sime was a scoffer whose evil end was destined with a certitude his successes could not shake. "Hoh! Hoh!" he laughed. "Devils and Klok-No-Ton! than whom no greater devil can be found in Thlinket Land." "Thou fool!

The dear old man has schemed and worked so long, so unselfishly." "Yeh, and he wasn't afraid to fight!" Sime added admiringly. "When he came charging out of those ships with his gang of monarchists, swords flashing, it was a pretty sight to see. And when they closed in on that gang of cheap politicians! Talk about rats in a corner!"

Kemp poured it out for herself and her friend. 'I'm not in the 'abit of tikin' anythin' when I'm aht on business, she apologized, 'but just ter keep you company I don't mind if I do. 'Your 'ealth. Mrs. 'Odges. 'Sime ter you, an' thank yer, Mrs. Kemp. Liza lay still, breathing very quietly, her eyes closed. The doctor kept his fingers on her pulse.