United States or Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She crossed the road, and stood perfectly still watching the entrance. Five, ten minutes passed; then a man came out in evening dress, with silk hat, and a white handkerchief around his neck. He was smoking a cigarette, and he carried a silver-headed cane. Virginia crossed the road once more, and, trusting to the crowd, kept within a few yards of him.

=Cotton.= All calico, muslin, and most cheap clothing are made from cotton thread. The cotton used in this country is raised in the Southern states. Cotton clothing is stronger and wears much longer than silk or wool, but it does not look so well and is not nearly so warm. =The Use of Wraps and Overcoats.= Outer wraps and overcoats should never be worn in a warm room or while working hard.

She had taken a piece of silk embroidery from a workbasket near her, and was busily employed with it. Heliobas advanced and laid his hand on the young man's arm. "Sing to us, Ivan," he said, in a kind tone. "Sing us one of your wild Russian airs Zara loves them, and this young lady would like to hear your voice before she goes."

She was dressed plainly, though becomingly enough, in black silk; a lace cap rested on her gray hair; her face was worn and wrinkled, but had a fine expression about it, that would have recalled former beauty to the memory of any one who had known her in early life. She was deeply excited, without being at all nervous, the excitement being so profoundly rooted as to be really a part of herself.

"Very warmish," said Gilks, with a scowl, which it was just as well for Wyndham's comfort he did not see. There was a silence, during which Gilks whistled to himself, and Silk regarded his ally with a smile. "You are a nice boy!" he broke out presently. And the laugh which greeted this very unoriginal observation closed the conversation for a time.

None the less, the leisurely descent became in their company something of a real experience even in such a brimming week. 'I hope, some day, you will really tell me your dream? he said, pushing the old lady's silk skirts in after her as she slowly climbed into the carriage.

She tried to read the forehead and the villainous face, and found what is called in business a "wooden head." "Yes, my dear sir," repeated La Cibot. "Yes, my M. Pons is own cousin to President Camusot de Marville; he tells me that ten times a day. M. Camusot the silk mercer was married twice " "He that has just been nominated for a peer of France? "And his first wife was a Mlle.

I took Semlin's overcoat, hat and bag into the cabinet de toilette and stood them in readiness by the window. As a precaution against surprise I pushed the massive mahogany bedstead right across the doorway and thus barricaded the entrance to the room. From either side of the fireplace hung two bell-ropes, twisted silk cords of faded crimson with dusty tassels.

Our clothes were those which we wore in all our expeditions, on our heads the common salacote, a shirt of raw silk, the pantaloon turned up to above the knee; the feet and legs remained uncovered.

Oreille a slip of paper, who took it, got up and went out, thanking him, for she was in a hurry to escape lest he should change his mind. She went briskly through the streets, looking out for a really good umbrella maker, and when she found a shop which appeared to be a first-class one, she went in, and said, confidently: "I want this umbrella re-covered in silk, good silk.