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When Sigsbee pointed out that he could easily defeat Archibald and get to the city by lunch-time if he wished, and that in any case his partner would be looking after things, he allowed himself to be persuaded, though reluctantly. It was a well-known fact that Gossett was in the midst of some rather sizeable deals at that time. Thursday morning suited Archibald admirably.

They saw poor Cuba, beautiful as her surf and femininely sweet as her luscious fruits, tortured in chains. They saw her lovely form through the blood that covered her, and Dewey, Sampson, Schley, Miles, Merritt, Sigsbee, Evans, Philip, Alger, and McKinley of the Grand Army led the forces to her rescue.

We may smile at it, think it trivial; but it is none the less a tragedy. That warm-hearted, enthusiastic girl, all eagerness to see the man she loves do well Archie, poor old Archie, all on fire to prove to her that her trust in him is not misplaced, and the end Disillusionment Disappointment Unhappiness. 'He ought to keep his eye on the ball, said the more practical Sigsbee.

Fine putting enabled Gossett to do the sixteenth hole in twelve, and when, winning the seventeenth in nine, he brought his score level with Archibald's the match seemed over. But just then 'Mr Gossett! said a familiar voice. Once more was the much-enduring telegraph boy among those present. 'T'ree dis time! he observed. Gossett sprang, but again the watchful Sigsbee was too swift.

"It's one thing to pay your butcher's bill in the long run, and be above stealing goods off the counter, but a man can cheat his fellow-men in a stock trade and think pretty well of himself, and other folks think well of him." "That's so," said Sigsbee Ray. "I haven't any doubt that he will arrange that," said Lee. "And, for that matter, the United Fuel may look up yet. I had a prospectus "

How wonderful is the power of discipline upon the human mind! On the great battle-ship, with hundreds of its men blown to pieces or penned down by steel débris to be drowned in the rapidly rising waters, there was no panic. Captain Sigsbee, rushing from his cabin door, is met by the sergeant of marines who serves him as orderly. Not a detail of naval etiquette is lacking.

Velma Sigsbee would insist upon interrupting with silly questions, such as the price of a bob or the possible pain of operating for double dimples, but eventually Dozia told the story while Ted Guthrie held Velma's hand in a compelling grip. It was over on the long low bench by the ball field where practice should have been kicking up a dust.

John J. Blandin was on watch as officer of the deck; Captain Sigsbee sat in his cabin writing letters; on the starboard side of the ship, made fast to the boom, was the steam cutter, with her crew on board waiting to make the regular ten o’clock trip to the shore to bring off such of the officers or crew as were on leave of absence.

"I ain't any wiser'n I was, but I don't say nothin'. The old man acts like he's studyin' about somethin'. "'Who owns the hawss that just trialed three-quahtahs in fohteen? he says, after while. "'Jim Sigsbee up at Cynthiana, I says. "'Is Mr. Sigsbee awaheh of the method you pursue with regahd to falsely stimulating his hawss? says ole man Sanford. "'Well, I guess yes! I says.

'Quite possibly, continued McCay, 'he has told her that he will win this championship. 'If Archie's mutt enough to have told her that, said Sigsbee decidedly, 'he deserves all he gets. Waiter, two Scotch highballs. McCay was in no mood to subscribe to this stony-hearted view. 'I tell you, he said, 'I'm sorry for Archie! I'm sorry for the poor old chap. And I'm more than sorry for the girl.