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They had succeeded under various artful false pretences in influencing the king to give his signet-ring to one of his lords. But his majesty was already warned, and he already knew that it was not a man, as they wanted to make him believe, but a woman, who came, not to take leave of you, but to deliver you from prison.

"Yes, I know you," said Harry, at length; "you are my uncle Ralph, the Sheikh Burrachee. But I think I have been ill, and everything is like a dream to me. Were there not a signet-ring, and a paper in a silver case, and jewels of value which you gave me?"

Robert Audley suspended his examination of the book, and folded this yellow lock in a sheet of letter paper, which he sealed with his signet-ring, and laid aside, with the memorandum about George Talboys and Alicia's letter, in the pigeon-hole marked important.

The single ornament on our dark ground of chocolate colour was the mighty shield of the imperial arms, but emblazoned in proportions as modest as a signet-ring bears to a seal of office.

"I've travelled a great distance, and not sold anything this many a day." "I should be very glad to buy," said little Hulda, "but I have scarcely any money; not half the price of one of these jewels, I am sure." Now there was lying on the table an ancient signet-ring set with a large opal. "Maybe the young lady would not mind parting with this?" said he, taking it up.

I thought I missed a customary friend from my finger; I have forgotten my signet-ring! Will you lend me yours for to-day, Marquis?" "Sir, if you will deign to wear it!" replied the Marquis readily, and at once slipping off the ring in question, he handed it to the King, who smilingly accepted it and put it on. "A fine sapphire!" he said approvingly; "Better, I think, than my ruby!"

It was by degrees, however, that this theory formed itself in his mind; now he saw only a glimmer of it here and there. In the meantime he was not a little disappointed. Was this all the great mystery of the berimed horse? It was as if a supposed opal had burst, and proved but a soap-bubble! Joan sat silent, looking at the signet-ring, and the tears came slowly in her eyes.

As he took and kissed the hand extended to him, he felt the ring upon his finger, the ring intrusted to him by Alwyn, the king's signet-ring, before which would fly open every gate. He uttered a joyous exclamation, loosened his long night-cloak, and praying Anne to envelop her form in its folds, drew the hood over her head; he was about to lead her forth when he halted suddenly.

Let Varney care for her with fitting humanity, but let them rid the castle of her forthwith." IV. The Death of the Countess Armed with the authority of Leicester's signet-ring Varney induced the countess to leave Kenilworth for Cumnor, declaring that the earl had ordered it for his own safety. But no sooner was the lady gone than Leicester repented of the consent Varney had wrested from him.

Dinner was served in the hall; the company returned to the outer apartment, yet still all was silent within; till at last, late in the afternoon, there came a black figure forth from under the black hangings, and Esclairmonde, turning to Lady Warwick, said, 'The Queen is awake, and desires her ladies' presence. And then coming towards Malcolm, who was standing near Sir Lewis Robsart, she placed in his hand the signet-ring.