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One aimed a blow full at his heart; but the protecting power which watches over the great and good turned aside the hostile blade and directed it to a side-pocket, where reposed an enormous iron tobacco-box, endowed, like the shield of Achilles, with supernatural powers, doubtless from bearing the portrait of the blessed St. Nicholas.

He stood smiling at my discomfiture, yet his black brows were close but he halted and folded his arms and I could see the betraying bulge of the pistol on his great side-pocket. For a while he measured me with his eye, at last he spoke: "Within the hour my Lady Brandon sails for England, and from this hour you will forget my Lady Brandon ever existed or "

Sikes dismounted with great precipitation, holding Oliver by the hand all the while; and lifting him down directly, bestowed a furious look upon him, and rapped the side-pocket with his fist, in a significant manner. 'Good-bye, boy, said the man. 'He's sulky, replied Sikes, giving him a shake; 'he's sulky. A young dog! Don't mind him. 'Not I! rejoined the other, getting into his cart.

Thereupon he took out from a side-pocket a tobacco-box and short meerschaum pipe, and implements for striking a light, filled his pipe, lighted it, and commenced smoking. Presently the coachman drew near.

She laughed, and putting her hand in my side-pocket, took out my handkerchief to lift off the kettle with. "I didn't want to sleep," she said. "I was too happy, and too miserable. It's the widest-awake mixture I ever tried." Then, picking up the teapot, she added curiously: "Where's the powder? I expected to see you arrive with a large keg over your shoulder."

Varney," the boy said amiably, "you've been white about this business, and I do really want to show that I appreciate it." He fumbled in the side-pocket of his wet coat, which hung on a near-by chair, produced a damp paper of the familiar yellow, smoothed it out and handed it across the table. "I guess I won't keep any secrets from you, Mr. Varney."

With a sharp tug he disengaged the side-pocket wedged between Melchard's body and the floor, and from it took out a small parcel wrapped in white paper. Of its two seals one had been broken. He peered into the opened end. "Small bottle white powder," he said. "That's it," replied Amaryllis. "Do let's go please." "Was there anything else?" he asked. "Oh, do come away.

"But in the meantime," resumed Rodin, feeling in the side-pocket of his great-coat and taking out a small parcel, "let me beg you to give him this, my dear young lady. It is my revenge, and a very good one."

What do you mane by that, sir? I thought you deemed it prudent to keep out of the way, on account of that affair? I felt some gratification in playing thus upon his fears He now once more put his hand into his side-pocket, and pulling out his pistols laid them before him. By Jasus, sir, I don't very well know what you would be at!

Don’t dare to do such a thing!” cried Pyotr Ilyitch. “I won’t have it in my house, it’s a bad, demoralizing habit. Put your money away. Here, put it here, why waste it? It would come in handy to-morrow, and I dare say you’ll be coming to me to borrow ten roubles again. Why do you keep putting the notes in your side-pocket? Ah, you’ll lose them!”