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Had she in anything fallen short of those gentle duties he had received so gratefully from the mother that was gone? Why was it that thoughts of Spain and of events that had transpired there, should have seized upon them both at the same time? She arose again, pale and with a tremor of the limbs. The balmy air grew sickening to her his presence an oppression.

While I was balancing in my mind whether I ought not to take her south, I received another letter from Aunt Bretta. She told me that she was quite sickening to see me and my wife, and that my uncle hoped to be able to find some employment on shore which would suit my taste. When I laid the proposal before my wife, she at once acceded to it.

Though it may be granted that pain inflicted through the genitals is particularly sickening, pain is pain all over the body, and must reach what might be called saturation-point wherever inflicted. And as regards the invention of sickening punishment we need go no farther afield in search for ingenuity than the list of English kings.

Such of the victims as succeeded in throwing themselves overboard, out of the St. Augustine, or any of the burning or sinking ships, were pursued by the Netherlanders, who rowed about among them in boats, shooting, stabbing, and drowning their victims by hundreds. It was a sickening spectacle. The bay, said those who were there, seemed sown with corpses.

In some mysterious way the agent seemed to know every time he brought out the paint pot, and he was no longer the pleasant-voiced individual who drove the calico ponies. As he stepped out into the yard next morning that abominable, sickening, scrawling advertisement was the first thing that claimed his glance-it blotted out the beauty of the morning. Mrs.

Butler, meanwhile, having doffed his bath-robe, stretched himself, and with leisurely nonchalance put on a second pair of gloves, was filling in the time with a little shadow boxing. He moved rhythmically to and fro, now ducking his head, now striking out with his muffled hands, and a sickening realization of the man's animal power swept over Sally and turned her cold.

"Yes," she laughed wildly, "deceived you, played with you, fooled you, cheated you, and hated you yes, hated, hated the very sight of you, the abominable sound of your voice, the sickening touch of your hand." "And I loved you," he said, simply. "I loved you so well that I think I would have done anything for you. There was no need for you to fool me.

Haviland went on, mildly triumphant. "And no matter how brave or how independent a woman is, she doesn't like THAT." There came to the speaker suddenly, under her smooth flow of words, a sickening shock of realization: it was of Rachael and Clarence she was speaking, her nearest relatives; it was one of the bulwarks of her world that was threatened!

Then the sickening as well as maddening conviction struck to his very soul, that though the envied and almost worshiped vizier of a mighty empire having authority of life and death over millions of human beings, and able to dispose of the governments and patronage of huge provinces and mighty cities he was but a miserable, helpless slave in the eyes of another greater still an ephemeron whom the breath of Solyman the Magnificent could destroy!

He was in a state of expectation as sickening as that of a prisoner listening for the delayed deliverance when he heard Deronda's voice saying, "I am come for you. Are you ready?" Immediately he turned without speaking, seized his furred cap which lay near, and moved to join Deronda.