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"'Course, your honour; he talks to the world 'bout honour an' glory, and love of his Country, and sich like augh! that's proper cheating!" "You're a bitter fellow, Mr. Bunting: and pray, what do you think of the Ladies 'are they as bad as the men?" "Ladies augh! when they're married yes! but of all them ere creturs, I respects the kept Ladies, the most on the faith of a man, I do!

Of this first impression he wrote many years later, in his essay on 'Naive and Sentimental Poetry', as follows: "Durch die Bekanntschaft mit neueren Poeten verleitet, in den Werken den Dichter zuerst aufzusuchen, seinem Herzen zu begegnen ... war es mir unertraglich, dasz der Poet sich hier gar nirgends fassen liesz und mir nirgends Rede stehen wollte.

Gawd's truth, sir, you aren't never a-goin' to give me two sich treats as that? From now till Thursday with jist you jist you, sir? I'll go balmy on the crumpet I'll get to stickin' straws in my bloomin' 'air!" "You 'get to' the telephone and send that message to The Yard, if you know when you're well off," said Cleek, laughing.

But the question is, 'Will it pay? Fer them as likes sich things they may study 'em to their hearts' content. But what do sich people amount to? I seen the parson once stand fer a long time watchin' the settin' sun, an' when I axed 'im what he saw he looked at me sorter dazed like. 'Mr.

"HOUSE-thieves as well as " "Goodnessgracioussakes, I'd a ben afeard to live in sich a " "'Fraid to LIVE! why, I was that scared I dasn't hardly go to bed, or get up, or lay down, or SET down, Sister Ridgeway. Why, they'd steal the very why, goodness sakes, you can guess what kind of a fluster I was in by the time midnight come last night.

But I never yit drew a bead on a squaw or papoose, and I despise the man who would. 'Taint nateral for men to kill women and pore little children, and none but a coward or a dog would do it. Of course when we white men do sich awful things, why these pore ignorant critters don't know no better than to foller suit. Pore things! Pore things!

If there wuz ever a deadly insult gin to a woman, then wuz the time it wuz gin. Good land! good land!" I don't know whether Miss Flamm resented it, or not, for I hurried Josiah along. I didn't want to expose him to no sich sights, good, innocent old creeter. So I kep' him up on a pretty good jog till I got him home.

Sich a tiresome v'yage, too, as it must ha' been from Plymouth, i' this weather! I dunno how we came to forget to invite en nigher the hearth. Well, as I was a-sayin' " He stopped to search for his hat beneath the settle. Producing a large crimson handkerchief from the crown, he mopped his brow slowly. "The cur'ous part o't, naybours, is the sweatiness that comes over a man, this close weather."

It's aisy seen you're but young in the business yet." "This is my first night to be out," replied the youth. "Well, then," rejoined our friend, "it's in the expectation of meetin' an enemy, especially some one that's marked." "An' what would they do if they did?" "Do? said the other; "do for him!. If they met sich a one, they'd take care his supper wouldn't cost him much."

We've been talkin' about this fer some time, and as I have to go over to look after some nets I left there, it might as well be now as at any time. You boys have never spent a night in the open, and it'll do yez good to learn how to camp and cook. All scouts must know something about sich things." "Shall we go to-day?" Rod eagerly enquired.