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"That young woman is altogether too capable of trouble without a throne to play with! I suspect her, as it happens, of very definite and dangerous intentions along another line connected with the throne of Sialpore. But I know how to disappoint her and stop her game. I intend to recommend for the second time, by the way that she, also, should be sent to Europe for a proper education!

That secluded little hunting box stood by a purple lake that had already drowned its dozens, not always without setting up suspicion; and between the city of Sialpore and the "Nesting-place of Seven Swans" lay leagues of wild road on which anything at all might happen and be afterward explained away.

Samson laid a formal written act of abdication on the table by the throne. Gungadhura signed it. Willoughby de Wing wrote his signature as witness. Samson took it back and folded it away. "Arrangements will be made for Your Highness to leave Sialpore tomorrow morning, with a sufficient escort for your protection. Provision will be made in due course for your private residence elsewhere.

Gungadhura glanced about him like a stage conspirator. "Go on," said Dick. "There's nobody here knows English except you and me." "You are to dig for the treasure of Sialpore! The treasure of my ancestors!" "Fifty thousand dibs or one per cent. at my option, eh? Make it two per cent., and draw your contract!" "Two per cent. is too much!" "Get another man to dig, then!"

Even those four solid walls were not discreet enough. "The treasure of Sialpore is buried in the River Palace grounds! Millions! Think of it Millions! Lakhs and crores!" The high commissioner whistled. "That 'ud mean something to the province, wouldn't it! Show me your proofs." How Samson got around the fact that he had no actually definite proofs, he never told.

Order the maharajah's guards away! It's a little previous. His officers will try to make trouble of course. But an apology at the proper time will cover that." "What's the new excitement?" asked the colonel. "More murders? More princesses out at night?" "This is between you and me. Not a word to a living soul, De Wing!" Samson paused, then whispered: "The treasure of Sialpore!"

Dick's back was against the uncompleted masonry. "Could I eh count on you for eh very absolute silence?" "I talk like that parrot in the story," Dick answered. "You eh know a little now of Sialpore, Mr. Blaine. You eh understand how easily eh rumors get about. A little eh foundation and eh up-side-down pyramids of fancy eh? You comprehend me?" "Sure, I get you."

"Won't the English get to hear of this?" Tess asked. Yasmini laughed. "Their spies are everywhere. But there has been great talk of a polo tournament to be held on the English side of the river at Sialpore. The English encourage games, thinking they keep us Rajputs out of mischief as indeed is true.

They have given Sialpore to Gungadhura who is a pig and loathes them instead of to a woman who would only laugh at them, and the brute is raising a litter of little pigs, so that even if he and his progeny were poisoned one by one, there would always be a brat left he has so many!" "And you?" "First you must promise silence." "Very well." "Woman to woman!" "Yes." "Womb to womb heart to heart ?"

But she said much less than anybody, wasted no time at all on guesswork, pondered in her heart persistently whatever she had actually seen and heard, and in the end was almost the only non-Indian actor on the stage of Sialpore to reap advantage. If that does not prove unfitness for one of the leading parts, what does?