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They've half murdered the captain, shtolen the ship an' cargo from him, an' run her t'ousands av miles off her course to deliver the coal to the German fleet." "Oh, my bloody ol' Aunt Maria!" gasped the horrified Riggins. "What I want to know from you, Riggins, is this: Will ye help me shteal the ship back to-night?

"We wish ye to divide up the threasure aiqually into fourteen parts, and to give to aich man his own share, so that he may take care of it for himself. As things are now, wid all the gims lumped together in the iron chist, the timptation and the opporchunity to shteal is too great, and we've already lost two of our number through it." "Lost two of your number?

But we don't want any more executions, Misther Conyers, so will ye help us to make a fair division of our prize, that aich man may have his own and not be tempted to shteal from another?" "Are you making this request on your own account, or on behalf of the rest as well?" demanded I. "Perhaps the others may be unwilling to trust to my fairness." "Oh, but they will," answered O'Gorman.

"Und der pins why, I can't no more count. Und I never t'ought you had to pay for dem all. You see, I be so green, fräulein, I dun know no manners, und I did, I did use dem, I know I did; but, so help me, I didn't mean to spoonge, und by Gott I didn't shteal!" I caught her hands, they were wildly beating at the air then, and said, "I know it, Semantha, my poor Semantha, I know it."

You put Matty's head to de schissors, an' take him all off, und you shteal den her monish. De peanuts is a pad pisness; but dis is so much vorse as it goes to de prison. Tell me, Tony, how is dis?" "I didn't steal it, he gave it to me; and I didn't touch Matty's hair," panted the prostrate Theodore. "He he he wanted me to do something for him, and he said he would give me that if I did it.